It's not user error if your following the feed chart for it! It's manufacturer error in labeling..
Problem is, it 's NOT! It's NOT charted FOR cannabis! That's flower charting for a flower ratio synthetic, and that's kinda off too.
Some makers of those type of things, simply relabel them as "hardeners" or "boosters"
See most synthetics. Even many of those in the pretty bottles that you may think are "for" cannabis.....Are NOT in ratio for, or charted for cannabis!
I got a tour of a new full service "cannabis" grow store the other day.......I was simply scarred by all the GARBAGE out there, promising the world and having not exactly right NPK ratio's and simply stupid feed charting!
It's just fucking ponderous ! The old school Jack's and JR Peters. A few old school Dutch nutrients. Several organic lines are good stuff BUT, you still have to know how "our" plants requirements are and then adjust concentrations to fit cannabis to use them right for some of those 2.....
Nutrient makers promise the world. Many of them can deliver but, only if you know how.......Following the feeding charts, gets soo many in trouble here!