Fox Farm


Well-Known Member
I may be dense, but why is it a problem to post a question in a few forums? I didn't know it was frowned upon when I first joined and did it too just trying to get the broadest selection of answers to a question. I had been on other forums before RIU and never heard anything about it other than "spamming" when someone was obviously trying to sell something.
I really should let this die, but dont you realize the reason we told him he could get banned for spamming is because we know/knew he is new here and didnt want him to banned because no one ever explained it to him yet. If youve got a issue with the rules take it up with rollitup, your the own who agreed to follow the rules when you signed up. if you guys dont want to follow them no one is making you stay here.
I had stopped after Jakes post asking for it to get back on topic ... But you failed to see it and waded in with more crap ...and i responded ... and now your doing it again ... so i will respond to that

Yeah you will be ignored from now on.. your an idiot and it shows .

If you can't see that you was being helped and react to it in the way you did ... you will not last long here .

Apart from all of this ... I wish you well with your grow and hope that you might be a little less quick to run up your mouth for no reason in the future .

Peace .
For someone who has only been a part of this site for a little over 6 month's you act like you created it, this is the ONLY thing that got me a little cross ways and yes I did say some mean and hateful things and I may have gotten a bit of attitude and yes I was wrong for that, and why you really need to call me an idiot I really dont know. So anyway I would really like to stop bickering with you and just find out some new age ways to grow.


Active Member
based on my experience the foxfarm setup increased potency, yield, taste, and overall quality of the buds by at least 100%. I grew a purple urkel with no nutes or foxfarm soil and only yielded about 1.8 oz dry outdoors however... this time around I got the same clones but used foxfarm soil, the 3 pack nutes, as well as the 3 pack soulables and got almost 3 oz's off each plant in my 2000 watt setup
based on my experience the foxfarm setup increased potency, yield, taste, and overall quality of the buds by at least 100%. I grew a purple urkel with no nutes or foxfarm soil and only yielded about 1.8 oz dry outdoors however... this time around I got the same clones but used foxfarm soil, the 3 pack nutes, as well as the 3 pack soulables and got almost 3 oz's off each plant in my 2000 watt setup
Now thats the answer I was looking for. I have been growing outside for a lot of years, just started growing indoors and wanted to try differnt things. I had one grow so far indoors with just soil and absolutely no nutes and of 8 plants (6 afganhi and 2 white widow) I only averaged about 20 to 25 grams a peice. So thanks for the info.


Active Member
For someone who has only been a part of this site for a little over 6 month's you act like you created it, this is the ONLY thing that got me a little cross ways and yes I did say some mean and hateful things and I may have gotten a bit of attitude and yes I was wrong for that, and why you really need to call me an idiot I really dont know. So anyway I would really like to stop bickering with you and just find out some new age ways to grow.
no doubt dont sweat it dude,big deal if u lose the help of those two, so what! still many many many people on here to help you. you had a right to have an attitude.dont get discouraged


Well-Known Member
For someone who has only been a part of this site for a little over 6 month's you act like you created it, this is the ONLY thing that got me a little cross ways and yes I did say some mean and hateful things and I may have gotten a bit of attitude and yes I was wrong for that, and why you really need to call me an idiot I really dont know. So anyway I would really like to stop bickering with you and just find out some new age ways to grow.
No .. You asume that i think i created it ... Very different thing all together .

In the little over 6 months i have been here , I have seen endless people coming here to this site .... Helped some .. learned from others ... Made a few friends and had fun .

You on the other hand have just showed up ... Did something considered against the rules and something that people here don't want to see ... Not only have you posted this thread multiple times ... But other threads prior to this one .

I seen your error ... and was advising you that its not the done thing ( REGARDLESS of what YOU might think or be used to ) I pointed it out in a quick manner to get the point across ... To help you ... Do you get it now ?

Or are you one of them people that just totally refuse to see that they have fucked up ... and then go on to blame others or to try and smart mouth the very people who are helping you ?

I called you an idiot for acting the way you did ... You kept the debate going by replying with more hate even after all was said and done , Why bother? ... you fucked up ... i pointed it out ... you run your mouth up ...I tell you that you know best and to have fun ... and you just keep on rolling out the bullshit .

Do yourself a favour ... Keep in mind that you was doing something wrong to begin with ... and then read this whole thread again , And see if you can spot the part it all went south .

If you still don't get it ... then My assumptions are correct .


King Tut
I really should let this die, but dont you realize the reason we told him he could get banned for spamming is because we know/knew he is new here and didnt want him to banned because no one ever explained it to him yet. If youve got a issue with the rules take it up with rollitup, your the own who agreed to follow the rules when you signed up. if you guys dont want to follow them no one is making you stay here.
I'm not saying I do or don't have a problem, just curious why it's frowned upon. OBVIOUSLY we have to follow the rules to remain a member. I wish more people would, actually, but that's a whole different topic. Thank you for trying to help him abide by the rules though.
No .. You asume that i think i created it ... Very different thing all together .

In the little over 6 months i have been here , I have seen endless people coming here to this site .... Helped some .. learned from others ... Made a few friends and had fun .

You on the other hand have just showed up ... Did something considered against the rules and something that people here don't want to see ... Not only have you posted this thread multiple times ... But other threads prior to this one .

I seen your error ... and was advising you that its not the done thing ( REGARDLESS of what YOU might think or be used to ) I pointed it out in a quick manner to get the point across ... To help you ... Do you get it now ?

Or are you one of them people that just totally refuse to see that they have fucked up ... and then go on to blame others or to try and smart mouth the very people who are helping you ?

I called you an idiot for acting the way you did ... You kept the debate going by replying with more hate even after all was said and done , Why bother? ... you fucked up ... i pointed it out ... you run your mouth up ...I tell you that you know best and to have fun ... and you just keep on rolling out the bullshit .

Do yourself a favour ... Keep in mind that you was doing something wrong to begin with ... and then read this whole thread again , And see if you can spot the part it all went south .

If you still don't get it ... then My assumptions are correct .
Well obviouslly your not gonna stop with your snideness so I'll just ask you then. Why is it agaist the rules to ask a question in differnt forums, I kinda thought thats what the forums were here for, since you know so damn much maybe you can tell me, but then again I'm kinda gettin the picture on how old you are so maybe I AM the idiot for arguing with a child.


Well-Known Member
Well obviouslly your not gonna stop with your snideness so I'll just ask you then. Why is it agaist the rules to ask a question in differnt forums, I kinda thought thats what the forums were here for, since you know so damn much maybe you can tell me, but then again I'm kinda gettin the picture on how old you are so maybe I AM the idiot for arguing with a child.
It's against the rules because rollitup says it is, how many times do i have to say it?


Well-Known Member
i use the whole ff lineup, this is my first grow, i use the correct dosage just like the website says and i get awesome results, tried mixing my own soil up and made teh shit too hot.... when i switched to flower i flushed my plants out and then started using ff full strength and i am loving it as the plants are too... them t5's will blwo your old t12's away bro, hold on to your ass heres mine, nuthing special but this is what ff is doing for me, only getting better every day as well heres my grow


Well-Known Member
I have helped more people than you can imagine, selflessly giving thousands of hours of my time to help others. yeah, im such a bad guy.


Well-Known Member
yeah yeah yeah, so havn't lots of people but they aren't spouting off about it. And seriously dude, stop clogging up everyone's threads with your idle chatter and bickering.


Well-Known Member
Yup, we are hating on him because we dont want him to get banned for breaking the rules rollitup has made and enforces.
yeah ... all that hate ... How dare we try and help people or have a lot of posts ... who the hell do we think we are ? lol

lol i don't think i have come across so many dumbfucks in one thread .

Ok ... i'm out of here before that shit infects me .... run while you can :)

Peace and good things my Brother :)
Ok .. Yupp , Its clear your a fuckin idiot now ... Rage on dude

Welcome to RiU ... have a nice day ... a nice life and a merry Christmas
Right on, I'm done. In all the years that I've been growing and in the mix with all kind of differnt growers I have never ran into ANYONE like you, and thats been damn near 35 years.

Fatty R Buckle

Active Member
i cant tell u how much it will increase yield, ive used fox farm soil and nutes from day thing i can tell u is do not use the recommended amount, id start out at half strength or less until you see how your strain handles them.ff nutes r very strong and will burn if not carefull

Me too, I would even lessen the nute's to a third of what they call for.
Me too, I would even lessen the nute's to a third of what they call for.
Right on, I just harvested 8 plants ( 6 Afgani and 2 White Widow) and I was not happy with the yeild at all. So I purchased the Fox Farm Trio and a T5 HO light system. I've got 8 ICE spouts about 3 days old and I just put in 1 TBL of Big Bloom per gallon and thats half of what they call for at this stage. So maybe everything will work out. THANKS FOR THE INFO!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Right on, I'm done. In all the years that I've been growing and in the mix with all kind of differnt growers I have never ran into ANYONE like you, and thats been damn near 35 years.
Yeah the new breed ... the type that tells you you a prick when you act like one .

No matter how you spin it round ... you are the one to blame for this debate .. and people can read and see that ... so whatever you do ... Don't try and make yourself look clean ... Coz it's clear you started it .

Reply with another sneaky comment ... i dare you ...