Fox Farm TB, GB, BB vs. TB, GB, BB + Solubles


Active Member
I'm sold on the solubles. I'm convinced that the three pack paid for itself on my first grow with them and I have enough left over for about 20 more grows. :)
Honestly, at this point so am i, mainly just looking for some numbers as a comparison. Weird that this kind of info is nowhere else on the internet. The buds look more awesome, smell dankier, and seem more dense. At this point thats all just bag appeal though and that seems like all that there is in comparing these products to not using them. Im hoping to drop some good numbers on weight difference because elsewhere its all been speculation about what the solubles REALLY do for you. But yeah, even at this point before the weight comparison im with you for sure.


Active Member
Quick little update, weight update in about a day or two im thinking. Couple of pictures from late drying, and damn are they stinky! Nice and frosty too, noticeably more than the ones without the solubles.


I'm really curious to see what fox farm with Advanced nutrients would do for your yield. I am not talking about advanced nutrients for NPK but more of the trace elements and bloom boosters. Have a buddy growing some Matanuska Thunderfuck and is using both fox farm and advanced nutrients, fing bomb is all I have to say!


Active Member

Well, the numbers are in! And a little weird...there was almost no change what-so-ever in weight. I took down 11 plants today and it gave me 51.1 grams. Thats 4.645 grams per plant. The last ones I took down WITHOUT the solubles was 4.644, 1/1000th of a gram difference. But it was an increase! haha. However, i did end up with more stems taking the buds away from the main stem, creating less big buds and more smaller buds. But to me, I think that does show an increase in production because with smaller buds theres less stem weight (the giant stem that goes up through the bottom of the main cola) and more bud weight. With a little tweaking, I think the solubles can really do some crazy work.

The absolute biggest differences, and I have to say it is night and day, is the smell and stickiness. Even after drying it smells like it was just chopped down. It has that danky, pungent smell that hits you, super bomb. And unlike ANY other harvest that i have had with this strain, it is sticky as hell. Like sticky icky. Unfortunately the smell doesnt transfer in a picture, but the stickiness does.

So, I think these are worth every penny because I have to admit, they really changed my outcome. I never expected there to be as noticeable of a change, and I'm really happy the smell and stickiness carried over after the drying time. In over a year of this strain, this is the absolute first time that happened. Im impressed.

So here it is:

WithOUT Solubles

4.644g per plant


With Solubles

4.645g per plant



Active Member
Also, i will be throwing more data in here after i tweak Fox Farm's Feeding Schedule to something that works better for me. But they are awesome!

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
I would rep you again but I can't! Thanks for your time and the pic's. I have always used FF soil and nutes so it is cool to to see that they are wroking and that they are worth the money! You said the ones with the nutes were sticky more than the ones without. Was there a noticable change in the potancy of the bud? Or did it change the high/taste at all?
Cool thanks for your insight and nice buds! You can see that the soluables give it more of a punch and with me being a medical patient thats what I need. Just started my fox farm lineup with my lavender that is 4 weeks old and it looks amazing already.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad you did the testing.

I use them all and people are blown away by my Indica Bids. :leaf:
Like you said, I've got 20 more grows worth of the solubles, you don't use much.

Rep + :joint::peace:


Active Member
Havent given it the ol smoke test just yet, was going to give it a little bit of a cure just to be where I was when I tried the without solubles buds. I will definitely post that though, I have to say that is pretty important!


Active Member
I couldnt wait the full week and wow, all i have to say is DAMN! It is definitely more potent, and it didnt add any super nutrient taste to it. Super smooth, and noticeably stonier. Im really happy with how they worked all around!


sweet, thanks. i just feed my iced grapefruit its first feeding of cha-ching on monday and in 1 day it was twice as this stuff