Fox Farm Soil and Nutrient line... PH adjusting needed ?


Well-Known Member
Like the title says, I was just curious if The Fox Farm nutrient line (grow big, big bloom, tiger bloom, beastie bloomz, cha-ching) needs to be PH adjusted before watering the soil?? The only reason I ask is because people say not to mess with the PH in organic grows... Although I have also been told Fox Farm nutrients aren't all that organic... So does anyone have any experience with this specific situation ?? Thanks !!


Well-Known Member
i use fox farm soil and fox farm nutes. and i always ph my water/nute solution. better safe than sorry i think


Active Member
you'll need it if you don't and you have a high ph of 9 like me your plants don't get all the required supplements needed to grow properly I also use the full line I have not yet smoked it but my babies love it they're 15 inches at 5 weeks and showing preflowers


Active Member
Add some crushed dolomite lime to the fox farm ocean forest. Two table spoons per gallon of soil, it'll help regulate PH..... Personally I never PH my water, well, I did when I was starting oout and have compared and there is not drastic change. My tap runs about 7 ph.

Don't believe everything you read, 99% of the time (if you're using fox farm soil) don't fuck with your waters PH.


Well-Known Member
I have grown using them for some years now and from what ive observed it does not really matter if you ph them or not in soil. The veg nutes are pretty good on having a neutral ph, but the flowering nutes drop down to the 4.0 for me. I have added ph up and i have ignored the low ph and i honestly cant tell a diference.

I use fox farm oceon forrest mixed with sunshine pro mix #4 and a fair amount of perlite. FFoF is really good soil and does a great job of keeping its ph in check. On my current grow i am PHing my nutrients every other watering because the soil should natrually want to go towards a stable PH and im not 100% sure of how PH interacts with material in soil and dont want to end up with a very high PH and locking shit out.

Are you using the new bushdoctor lineup they have out? The sludgehammer seems to do a very good job and releasing tension in soil and has always Ph'd out perfect for me.

Im 5 weeks into flowering now trying the alternating phing my nutrients and i honestly cant tell the diference, I guess you get what you pay for when your dropping almost 200$ on soil each grow though.

P.S. The best thing i did with my fox farms was add calmag to the equation. I was using bud candy by advance nutrients and the calmag is far more superior.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the good info !! Looks like I won't have to worry about the ph too much. If its extremely low or high I may stable it out a bit. I'm not using the ff line up yet(gotta wait for the girls in miracle grow to finish up). I'm excited to get off this miracle grow b.s. Im hoping for some stellar results :). Thanks again guys.


Well-Known Member
When adding Fox farm line of nutes to 7 tap water it will bring it down to like 5.6-6.0 ph. I ALWAYS PH'd my water before feeding.

tiger bloom lowers the ph, also the grow big as well.


When adding Fox farm line of nutes to 7 tap water it will bring it down to like 5.6-6.0 ph. I ALWAYS PH'd my water before feeding.

tiger bloom lowers the ph, also the grow big as well.
I dont get it. When add tiger bloom, big bloom, and cha ching it raises my PH? It goes from 6.4 from the tap to 7 or so after nutes.


You just want to use the foxfarm nutes at about 1/3 of the recommend strength. I talked to an old employee(of Foxfarms) who know runs a dispensary now.Who agreed that 1/3 was the best dose and that he uses it in that manner with his plants.