Fox Farm Soil 1 mo. Nutes

if one were to have transplanted root bound plants from 1 gall to 3 gall containers and the grow medium is fox farm ocean forest one would guess that one would NOT have to add any nutes during the flowering stage for one whole month correct? one would guess that due to fox farm already having a 1 mo. supply in the soil.

are the nutes already premixed in the soil more appropriate for vegetation or flowering. if one were to be in the flowering stage is this ok? think it is appropriate to start off at quarter strength flowering nutes (big bloom) after the mo. period is over.


Active Member
I go with the plan that the first month is veg, so i really dont add any till the 3rd or 4th week. Which is right when the flower stage kicks in. And yes i would start with 1/4 strength, Foxfarm seems to be really concetrated verses other nutes. Make sure you use the tiger bloom with the big bloom, check their website for nute schedule.


Well-Known Member
if one were to have transplanted root bound plants from 1 gall to 3 gall containers and the grow medium is fox farm ocean forest one would guess that one would NOT have to add any nutes during the flowering stage for one whole month correct? one would guess that due to fox farm already having a 1 mo. supply in the soil.

are the nutes already premixed in the soil more appropriate for vegetation or flowering. if one were to be in the flowering stage is this ok? think it is appropriate to start off at quarter strength flowering nutes (big bloom) after the mo. period is over.
if one were to have transplanted during flowering, one made a BIG mistake right there. sometimes we cant preplan everything but transplanting during flowering is a big no-no. plants during flowering need more P & K, and generally soils will not have enough to compensate for the flowering period, so unless ur sure ur soil has enough (sry no knowledge of FF, but u should be able to easily look it up), then u will have to add ur bloom fertz.
if one were to have transplanted during flowering, one made a BIG mistake right there. sometimes we cant preplan everything but transplanting during flowering is a big no-no. plants during flowering need more P & K, and generally soils will not have enough to compensate for the flowering period, so unless ur sure ur soil has enough (sry no knowledge of FF, but u should be able to easily look it up), then u will have to add ur bloom fertz.
actually, the guy transplanted, gave the plant 3 days of regular 18/6 vege and THEN switched to 12/12 flower.

so you are saying that one would have to add the bloom nutes right now? there are nutes already in the soil and its only been 10 days since transplant. won't this cuz nutrient burn? dude experienced nutrient burn during vege state by adding vege nutes when there was already nutes in the soil (the lower fan leaves turned burnt yellow spots). he's afraid if he adds bloom nutes too early the same will happen and it will stress the plant.
I go with the plan that the first month is veg, so i really dont add any till the 3rd or 4th week. Which is right when the flower stage kicks in. And yes i would start with 1/4 strength, Foxfarm seems to be really concetrated verses other nutes. Make sure you use the tiger bloom with the big bloom, check their website for nute schedule.
yeah, but the NEW soil in the tranplanted 3 gall container is NEW soil and has nutes already in it. it has been only 10 days since transplant so if one starts adding 1/4 bloom nutes now won't that cause nutrient burn?


Active Member
I wouldn't add any flowering nutes until you actually see flowering occur.
Until then the plants can live off of what's already in the FFOF soil.


Active Member
If i was you i would start adding nutes in 1 or 2 weeks, but thats just me. And no you shouldnt get any burn if you wait and do a 1/4 strength.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't add any flowering nutes until you actually see flowering occur.
Until then the plants can live off of what's already in the FFOF soil.
good advice there, go 1/4 strength for first watering, then gradually add 1/4 till ur plants tell you when they don't want anymore :)


New Member
I grow with fox farms here and yea I start with big bloom right away once flowering starts and I use the big bloom quite often rarely using the tiger bloom very sparingly and carefully not untill the 4th week of flowering or so, its best to wait and see if they look hungry before you give nutes - for vegs I use microbial catalyst instead of nutes - I also use a tiny bit of molasses to feed these microbes and maybe one time in veg I give big bloom and between the end of the veg and early flowering I use a small dose of grow big every other feeding twice.

make sure you PH your water after you add the tiger bloom as it can cause a dramatic drop sometimes, only feed every other watering at the most and use very small ammount of food when you do (I use a tsp per gallon of the the full fox farm lineup and only one nute at a time) I also use mollasses at just a drop per gallon for plain watering or a microbial incollent/catalyst.
I wouldn't add any flowering nutes until you actually see flowering occur.
Until then the plants can live off of what's already in the FFOF soil.
by "flowering" do you mean the two pistils indicating female sex or do you mean actual BUDS? please elaborate on the meaning of "flowering"

because the guy already notices clear pistils on two of the three plants. the guy only wanted to do a small time grow (limited space) with 3 plants so he got feminized seeds. he hopes that he doesn't get any hermies as the plants went through some stress as the guy is a total NOOB.

the guy thanks everyone for the wisdom and advice
I grow with fox farms here and yea I start with big bloom right away once flowering starts and I use the big bloom quite often rarely using the tiger bloom very sparingly and carefully not untill the 4th week of flowering or so, its best to wait and see if they look hungry before you give nutes - for vegs I use microbial catalyst instead of nutes - I also use a tiny bit of molasses to feed these microbes and maybe one time in veg I give big bloom and between the end of the veg and early flowering I use a small dose of grow big every other feeding twice.

make sure you PH your water after you add the tiger bloom as it can cause a dramatic drop sometimes.
dam. the guy has more stuff to buy now. ph strips and a microscope. thanks for sharing.