Lol...only 'noobs' use Ocean Forest...right. You could take your girl to the Taco Bell drive-thru, maybe McDonalds, with the $5 you might save. Come to think of it you're probably going to spend quite a bit more on all of the ingredients to make your own soil mix than you would for a bag or two of Ocean Forest; it's just that the ingredients themselves in bulk will last longer. Time is money too though, my friend.
True that! I make my own mix, and for the initial mix the cost is somewhere in the OF range. By the second or third recycle though, the cost is next to nothing and very seldom do more than 1 or 2 ingredients run out at the same time/rate.
Oyster shell is a perfectly fine liming agent. It is really the same thing as garden lime, which is the same thing as crushed eggshell (calcitic lime). Dolomitic lime just has a magnesium content, also. There always seems to be some confusion when it comes to lime. People should really consider doing some general reading on soil science/bio and horticulture. Too many come here, ignorant, pick up info from the forums from a bunch of dim-wits and children (no offense) who are only concerned about growing weed and whatever they think is going to make their plant potent or yield big, etc. Not saying that everybody here is a moron, but too many people just don't seem to know enough. They may know some good info and some bad info, or else have no clue what is good/bad or how/if it even applies to themselves and others.
...Then you have Total Head, who I would have thought might be a reasonable one, insisting there is absolutely no lime in Ocean Forest and accusing somebody of trolling as they post the ingredients that state 'oyster shell...pH adjustment'. Granted neither seemed to realize that oyster shell was the liming agent but c'mon...pH adjustment - I know if I am not sure what something is exactly I make damn sure I find out before I start being an asshole. And then three people 'Like' that statement including Bublonichronic whom I thought was being accused of trolling in the first place. Confusing as fuck.
Well, in Total Head's defense, there is no lime listed. LOL, I know oyster shell for pH, but ol Bublonichronic had him pretty wound up with his, if not trolling, a damn good imitation of it. Like using lime=lack of growing skills or something along those lines.
max you should never have to adjust to pH of any water or fertigation solutions that go into a good organic soil like Ocean Forest. Liquid pH Up only leads to more issues when growing in soil. Oyster shell is there to help the soil resist any major drop in pH (the humus plays a role in this also), and dolomite lime or garden lime can be added during the final transplant in sufficient quantities or watering in periodically to raise pH and supply calcium/magnesium. If the nutrients you use are very acidic it stands to reason that more lime will have to be added sooner; otherwise the oyster shell already present in OF can last for up to several weeks.