Fox Farm Ocean Forest 400w Sweet Mango & Big Bud Hidden Grow


Active Member
This is my third grow. It is located behind a fake unfinished wall between the chimney and an existing basement wall.

Strains: Sweet Mango Autoflower & Big Bud
Medium: Fox Farm Ocean Forest
Light: 400w MH Conversion, HPS later during flower

I began two weeks ago with high hopes of using my DIY aeroponic system. After two weeks of over-saturating my rockwool I was left with a number of half germinated seeds which later died and two struggling seedling that I now have in dirt.

My new plan is to mother these two strains and eventually stick my clones back into my DIY Aeroponic mister.



Well-Known Member
COOL FORT BRO, CAN I COME IN!?!? lol. That's why I can't mess with the hydro man. I know I would screw up. Little girls are looking like they are recovering well though. Cool mister, you have a thread on how to or did you find it in another?


Active Member
I used the Tutorial Here:

it is a pretty easy setup. The issues I found were:
1. Due to the need to atomize water droplets the Ez-Clone misters could be better.
2. You must use thick foam insulation around top of open bin so that water does not leak down sides when top is on.
3. When starting out with CFL I needed a reservoir heater to keep temperature warm. Now with Metal Halide I need a water chiller to keep below 75 Degrees.
4. You will need a timer, preferable a short cycle timer so that you can turn on and off at short intervals.
5. Two easily made mistakes: Oversaturating your rockwool and moving seeds to aero too soon.


Active Member
Can you belive It has actually been 25 days. This has been the slowest growth I've ever experienced. I am going say that I have lost about a week and a half of growth.



Active Member
Day 34

I just moved the girls into larger pots after viewing a small amount of root bound symptoms (slight leaf curl).

I am going to need to upgrade my water rings to ensure even water distribution in the larger pots.

Sweet Mango is in the back and has started to flower. I am leaving lights at 20/4.

Big Bang is in the front and I am going to top it and produce my first clone. This is going to be my mother.

Before:image.jpg After:image.jpg image.jpg


Active Member
Day 44

Added the Fox Farm Trio this week to supplement the Ocean Forest in the Sweet Mango Autoflower in the back.
I started the fox farm schedule on week 5.

I am using Jobes organic Fertilizer for my future mother in the front to keep costs down.
I have topped an have tied down the upcoming 4 tops of the plant.


Active Member
Here are my two plants:


Sweet Mango Autoflower
Fox Farm Ocean Forest
Fox Farm Trio - Full recommended dose - feed every 3 days (feed, feed, water)

Big Bang Mother Plant
Fox Farm Ocean Forest
Jobes Organics fertilizer (4-4-4)

Is this heat stress?
I have since raised the light.


Active Member
Week 8

Today I watered my Sweet Mango with recommended Fox Farm nutrients and also Black Strap Molasses that I just added last week (1tsp/Gallon).

BEWARE do not leave molasses in premixed nutrients for days at a time. Today I watered without looking inside the can and there was a solid bunch of mold that became impossible to clean up. I quickly flushed with 2 gallons of fresh water & 20ml/gallon 3% hydrogen peroxide. I am hoping this does not turn bad because I am only 1-2 weeks from harvest.



Active Member
Here we are at week 11.

Have been feeding nothing but water and 1tbsp/gallon of blackstrap.

Realized I had not been letting her completely dry out, so I did this week.

I now have a huge deficiency problem or a nute burn problem.

After some research I believe it is either a mag or Potassium deficiency, please tell me what you think.
