Fox Farm Nutrients (First Grow)


Active Member
Hi All,

I have purchased the three pack of Fox Farm nutrients (grow Big/ Tiger Bloom/ Big Bloom). I am confused as to the water/ nutrient feeding schedule for my plants. I am using Fox Farm Ocean Forest for the soil and will be growing white widow. I found the online feeding schedule for fox farm which states that in week 2 I should start to use Big Bloom at a rate of 2 table spoons per gallon. Is this correct? Also how many gallons of water should I be feeding each plant for each feeding? I have tried to find the answers but haven't found a post that really explains clearly. Should I be mixing 2 table spoons into one gallon and then just using that gallon of water to distribute among all three plants until properly hydrated?


newbie grow420

Active Member
Don't take the schedules at face value. Use only a 1/4 strength of whatever you use to start. Everyone will tell you to build up to full strength don't start with it. Also I use tiger and I have to say be careful because you can get nute burn real easy. So figure out thru a conversion chart what 1/4 of whatever the feeding schedule tells you and use that to start. hope this helps


Well I'm using the trio and of soil with my widows and starting out 1/4 strength is the way to go and let them veg for 6 weeks I'm now at 4 wks into flower and my widows are monsters I topped them at veg 2weeks before flowering and LST them and have over 100 bud sites on all them and these thing are nute thirsty week three I started feeding them mollases and cal mag and the crystal production is really poppin wich started after about 17 days into far as how much water to give them at once....just untill it starts coming out the bottom should do it and remember to always PH your water and flower with atleast a 400w HPS.
Good luck


Active Member
When did you start giving nutrients to your plants...also do you have any good information on topping plants as in how and when to start doing this?