Fox Farm Info


Hey all! I was at the hydro shop today and got to talking about Ocean Forest. I was informed that Fox Farms is going through some growing pains right now. They moved into a new facility and the shop has been getting reports of pH imbalances and bugs from an unsterile facility. Anyways, got the info by word of mouth, so don't know how accurate it is, but its good info.


Well-Known Member
And after hearing this your Hydro store sold you there best bag of soil. BS. There salesman and they push there product, whatever it is they want pushed for whatever reason. Like around here its Roots Organic. It's local so they push like mad and always talk down FFOF. I did a side by side and RO was not up to par compared to FFOF.


Well-Known Member
I have had bugs in my FFOF before, so it wouldn't surprise me. Plenty of gnats and fruit flys, fucking annoying, tell you that much.


Oh, and yeah... It is a very small company in California that hand makes the soil still. Formed in 2008, and starting plans for expansion.


Active Member
FF has two facilities. One on the west coast and one on the east coast. From what ive been reading on other forums over the past few months was that the east coast plant is having quality problems. West coast plant is still good. So if you live out east you get the crappy stuff.

And yes, there are fungus gnats in FF. Mix some diatomaceous earth in and top it with sand. Gnats are easy

Roots on the other hand has been accused of having root aphids in there coco coir by a few people. They have coco in there soil so it could have it to. Root aphids are the worse bugs you can get.


Yeah... Meh. Been experimenting with a couple different brands. Hopefully it gets fixed for quite a few peoples' sake. Good additional info! Thanks!


Active Member
if the company does not burn the soil correct or long enough with the organic soil can sprout seeds of grass bugs etc is what i have ben told