fox farm help


Well-Known Member
on the foxfarm website there is the schedule but if u search in here u'll find it cuz ive sound it before in here


Well-Known Member
If you haven't switched to 12/12, there's no need for any flowering ferts. Some people don't start bloom nutes until two weeks in, or when they actually start budding(whichever comes first).


Well-Known Member
welll i have read that i should start using tiger bloom and cha ching and beasty buds when first signs of sex arfe shown.... but i weeded out the males at a month old so using those nutes at 36 days old says that its to earrly to use them onthe fox farm sched.... wat should i do


Well-Known Member
5ml of nutes per gallon, i use 1 litre of water for my 2 plants so i only use 1 ml of nutes


Well-Known Member
i used the foxfarm grow big until flowering, adding nutes wont hurt the plant unless you add too much...remember to only nute every other watering you dont want any buildup


Well-Known Member

;) there ya go....

I've gotta find myself some fox farm ferts.... unfortunately though I live on an island so it'll be tough :( here's a pic of my ladies

*planted Nov 27*

If you don't have a fan on that plant get one on it soon as well....

What kinda light you got going on it?
thx bro i do have a fan constantly blowing on it and i have 400w mh for veg abd 400w hps for flower... i dont understand y ,my plants are so small compared to urs when there only a few days off from each other :weed::weed::weed:


Well-Known Member
i used the foxfarm grow big until flowering, adding nutes wont hurt the plant unless you add too much...remember to only nute every other watering you dont want any buildup
thx,,,, how woyld u know if there is build up or not? and i have espon salt,,,, that is how u fix that yes?


Well-Known Member
from what I've read on RIU after 30 days of seeding..... you can start ferts

I've read the info on the fox farm website too.....

your just adding in extra nutrition to your soil... as long as you don't go overboard *use it ever other watering at 1/4-1/2 strenght*
just keep an eye out for nute burn and all that shazit....

Thelynx how big are your plants?

I used 1.5 gallons this morning to water my ladies..... you might wanna think about getting some Molasses as well *Blackstrap Molasses*

I used it in my last grow and it was some DOPE buds.

my plants were only 12" and 14" when I cut them down and I got an Oz a plant..



Well-Known Member
If you get nute lock or nute burn you have to flush like a mo fo..... say you water with 2 litres of water... well your gonna wanna take your plant outside or put it in a bath tub and throw like 12 litres through it......

keep watering til your water runs clear.... after that put it back in the grow area...

oh mine are probably a bit bigger cause I have that massive tower fan blowing right on the stocks as well I have a 70 CFM bathroom fan that adds extra wind....

also I only have my light about 8" away from my plants....

what kinda soil you using?


Well-Known Member
I have a 400 watt HPS

I've used one dose of nutes *cheap assed nutes that I'm not using anymore*

alot of TLC to these little girls.... I'm in there everyday before work and I race home everynight to tuck them in before lights out....

how often are you watering your plant?

heres a few more pix of my ladies, earlier on....

and you will wanna put a box or something around your plant when you switch to 12/12.... ZERO light in bud phase!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
well i havent benusing any fox farm yet cause they are still being shipped. but i have ben giving the fish fert at 5 1 1 and shultz plant fooed 10 15 10......a i have a huge ques bout fish fert,,, yhe stuff seems to make my dirt moldy is this norm?


Well-Known Member
like white on the top of the soil?

I don't think that's mold... and if you have a fan blowing over the soil you will not have moldy soil....

do you know your humidity? yeah I got that Shultz stuff too... don't use it.... it's so easy to burn your plants...

if your able to get some worm castings that would be your best bet....

My ma is a part of a Master Gardener Association so I get good info on lots of ferts and plants and stuff....

I smoke to ease pain from past surgeries so she is down with helpin me out.


Well-Known Member
LOL here's another one for ya

what kinda plant do you have like what strain.... I've got northern lights, purple kush and Thia stick grow'in


Well-Known Member
If you get nute lock or nute burn you have to flush like a mo fo..... say you water with 2 litres of water... well your gonna wanna take your plant outside or put it in a bath tub and throw like 12 litres through it......

keep watering til your water runs clear.... after that put it back in the grow area...

oh mine are probably a bit bigger cause I have that massive tower fan blowing right on the stocks as well I have a 70 CFM bathroom fan that adds extra wind....

also I only have my light about 8" away from my plants....

what kinda soil you using?
i have a reg soil mix noyhing but soil abd perlite prob around 40 60 ratio...i have the same fan u do in that pic and i dont see how fans will make ur plant any bigger.... the only noticable diff i haqve seen is thicker stalks...CFM?


Well-Known Member
well i have some bag seed of some decents buds... we call then beasters up here... my light is about 6 to 10 inchs away i havent checked in a while but ima raise the light when i get i dont know the humididty but the white stuff looks just like mold and only comes around when i fish fert it.... also my fan is blowing on the plant not the soil..


Well-Known Member
I've changed fans from two small table fans to that one and it made a HUGE difference

are you transplanting your plant at all or did you start it in that pot???

I've transplanted mine 3 different times in the past month.... that could also have something to do with it

when your plant grows it has to start with a root system... your plant will only grow as big as the pot you put it in..

so what I do is I let my plant grow in a smaller pot til it stops growing or slows down a lot... then I bump it up a pot size so the roots fill out
then it picks up on height.... the next time I grow I'll only transplant 2 times...cause I can only grow these 3 ' tops.... and I'm sitting at arount 2' now... and
I got a long ways to go til I crop these off....