Fox Farm Grow and Bloom feed times?

Major Tom

Well-Known Member
Fox Farm Grow and Bloom feed times?

Anyone use Fox Farm Nuets the Grow Big and Big bloom and know the feeding schedule.
With my original nuets there a bit each day but Fox Farm looks to be only once a week?

Major Tom

Well-Known Member
So dose anyone know the feeding schedule for FoxFarm nuets, every watering means shit for hydroponic users, I can't believe it's only once a week

Major Tom

Well-Known Member
i want to know this too. These are my A and B.

Major, are you hydro?
Yes Hydro, upper post,

FF chart sucks for those that want to feed daily but there product kick ass with there ability to not burn the plant.

Anyway, I use them daily at 1/4 strength,, try it.

I use a eye dropper that I calibrated to a tea spoon than remember how many it equals for my X amount of gal times 1/4 of the formula, then calibrating the eye dropper bottle to that amount and mark it with maker and write below it Grow 1/4 = X amount of gal.

Or You can use a syringe or a medicine dropper from CVS pharmacy that works the best.
5ml=1 teaspoon, a 10cc syringe cause it measures more

Then pour only the Grow into a short lither of water (I do) than add that to the X gal calibrated line.

Then the same for Bloom if it's in the chart for you, just modify the chat slowly that seems to me the answer! :clap:



Active Member
if you go to fox farms web page they have a pdf file for both hydro and soil growing. It walks you through week by week, but the only problem is you may want to lower the dosage (it burned my plants everytime i use it full strength). Ohhh and at the back of the bottle it tells you how much to add for how often you use the nutrients (every watering, once a week or every two weeks).


Well-Known Member
I'm using soil myself and I give them a regular feed as it tells you on the back of the bottles. They get watered about every three days. I have great results


New Member
Heres the "OFFICIAL" feeding recommendations ...

But honestly, with Grow Big at least( it's only one ive used yet, but I have Tiger Bloom also ) .. You can give em alot more than it says there.... I am on my 6th feeding and I just gave em 2 tblsp per gallon....If your water PH is around 6.3 or lower after mixing it, and your using FFHF soil ( dont know my soil ph.. Dont have a ppm meter either), then you can really more than double those doses within 6 feedings from the first time you give it to them..Im gonna see how much mine will take before the tips start browning, and then im going to back of just a little..


Major Tom

Well-Known Member
Heres the "OFFICIAL" feeding recommendations ...

But honestly, with Grow Big at least( it's only one ive used yet, but I have Tiger Bloom also ) .. You can give em alot more than it says there.... I am on my 6th feeding and I just gave em 2 tblsp per gallon....If your water PH is around 6.3 or lower after mixing it, and your using FFHF soil ( dont know my soil ph.. Dont have a ppm meter either), then you can really more than double those doses within 6 feedings from the first time you give it to them..Im gonna see how much mine will take before the tips start browning, and then im going to back of just a little..

Rep point for you on your experience with FF in hydro


Well-Known Member
im on soil with ffof too.

Whats up with the Big Bloom Bottle saying 1/4 a cup per gallon for feeding every 2 weeks. That was like over 2kppm for me. I fed it that once and it locked the shit up outta my plants.

So are you soil guys doing, feed, then just plain water for how many times before you feed again.

Man, people would think hydro would be harder than soil, but if your hydro is set up correctly then it is way easier than any soil.

Im going with coco on a drain table or drain to waste next time. I do have an aero table too


New Member
Lol yea,I had already heard the stories of ppl that had started them on the dose it says on the bottle and fucked up the growth of there plants..Im feeeding 2 tblsp per gallon every feeding.. Mine are getting about 1/4 gallon per plant twice a day in 3 gallon containers.Im upping it to 3 tblsp per gallon after 6 feedings ..


Well-Known Member
You guys dont use the dosage on the bottles? I dunno if this helps for hydro since i'm soil, but anyways..Grow big starting week 2..1/4 amount every water... week 3 1/2 amount every water...week 4 full amount until flower which is usaul 5 weeks... Mean while I use big bloom from germination on... germ 1/4 dose 1 week 1/2 2week full dosage according to back of bottle. I also use this everytime they get water... I usually plan it so I switch them to 12/12 the same day they need water in like 5 weeks. throught flowering i continue full dose of big bloom. Tiger bloom I work up as so week 1 flowering 1/4 week 2 1/2 week 3 full. I use tiger bloom and big bloom untill 2 weeks of harvest. Flush and then plain water with molasses... side note I use kool bloom during flowering as a supliment... I think this works out pretty well check out my current grapefruit haze grow...any questions?


Active Member
i'm using it with hyrdo..and i use a modified version from what they post on their chart...i only use 2tsp. of grow big and 1tbs of the grow big..but i'm also adding cal-mag, liquid karma, and sweet (botanicare)....the sweet helps with plant that don't react well with high levels of Nitrogen


Well-Known Member
I have a question. Im growing 3 diff strains. 1 bagseed. 1 Ww and 1 auto AK 47 all soil using FFOF under 150w hps added CFL germed paper towel method. 12/12 soon as they cracked. how would I go about giving nutes? my bagseed is 2 weeks. my WW is about 2 weeks. my auto ak 47 is about a week. height is a problem. keeping low.

Major Tom

Well-Known Member
I have a question. Im growing 3 diff strains. 1 bagseed. 1 Ww and 1 auto AK 47 all soil using FFOF under 150w hps added CFL germed paper towel method. 12/12 soon as they cracked. how would I go about giving nutes? my bagseed is 2 weeks. my WW is about 2 weeks. my auto ak 47 is about a week. height is a problem. keeping low.
Your going to have to guess an average just like I had to do for undocumented use for hydro and FM products.

Simply know the age time line of the grow and match average PPM for all

Early Vegging 300 to 400

Full Vegetation 450 to 700

Early Blooming 750 to 950

Full Mature Blooms 1000 to 1600