Fox Farm First Timer

I'm using the Fox Farm trio and am week 3 into my grow so far I'm pleased with the results using it at half of what is recommended. Had a little neut burn on a couple of plants the first week but after that no burn at all. My question is: Is the Fox Farm trio enough or do I really need to get Open Sesame, Beastie Bloomz, and Cha Ching, does it make that big of a difference? Also the Bushdoctor trio is that needed, or make a big difference? Also I hear people also adding either Big Bud, CAL-MG(I think it's called) or Bud Candy as well what is that all about? Can somebody give me a road map to neut town.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
I use the 6 FF ferts with the FFOF soil. I like it alot, I would stick with FF Ferts for a couple of grows if I were you until you get it down. The problem that you will run into is if you start fucking around adding this nute that nute you may run into problems. It will also screw you up trying to diagnose a problem cus there is so many things going on. You don't have to buy the last three FF nutes but it does help. If expense is an issue do your first grow move a half and go get the last three to use on your second grow. And remember just cus this strain can take full strength doesn't mean a different one can. All strains are different. Do you have the FF feeding schedule?
I'm using foxfarms myself for the first time. When you say the trio are you referring to grow big, big bloom, and tiger bloom? Also what's your soil base? Im using foxfarms ocean forest with perlite and vermiculite to lighten it up. I layed off the nutes for the first 2 weeks and then started with the grow big. Now I'm at week 7-8 of veg and im using grow big and big bloom 6 tspns every gallon of water. I water just about once every week with a little more than a half gallon. I want to water more but the soil is always damp under the top crust so i wait. The plant is really thriving, nice dark green. Im hoping to clone soon, which will also be a first, so we will see how that goes. Im not planning on getting any extra nutes for this grow but I'm sure any advanced blooming nutes would benefit. I've heard great things about just "the trio", so I'm going to let it ride out. If the plant is looking for nutes in the flower stage I might look into it a little more.
I'm going to be switching to a bigger box soon, especially because when I put it into flower it will shoot up like crazy from what I've read. I'm thinking maybe a portable closet out something. I've been reading up on topping and cloning and have been thinking about trying to clone the top, kill 2 birds with 1 stone kind of. Any advice with that?
I'm using FFOF for soil with about 20% perlite at the bottom for drainage, I've been following the Fox Farm schedule to a T with the exception of the amount I use about half of what they say in the schedule. I've heard that you are only supposed to foliar feed once a week but I've found that every other night, with a big bloom neut works well for me. Yes by the trio I mean Big Bloom, Grow Big, Tiger Bloom, like I stated my biggest question is does the other trio make that much of a difference where someone that didn't use it now uses it because they saw that big of a difference because you use so little of it, but runs higher in price than the other 3.
So you are watering every other night with the nutes? That sounds like a lot of nutes and water. I've got mine in a 5 gallon pot so a little more then 1/2 gallon wets everything nicely. Its not for about a week that the top soil is crusty enough to want to water again.


Well-Known Member
I have used the Fox Farms trio in ProMix for the last few months. We just currently started adding the Cha-Ching in during week 9, but missed the Open Sesame. I have to say that using the trio makes happy healthy plants. The plants we've grown with just the trio have been great even under stress from the mistakes of a grower who was pHing wrong... . . . dot dot dot. But, I digress... It really is as simple as the bottle says, just follow the instructions and you will be fine. Now this is using Pro-Mix as the soil medium. I don't know about FFOF. I know that I have been using Happy Frog soil with my BioCanna line and have had problems with Over Fertilization on low amounts on that. If using FFOF, I would recommend low dosages of Nutrients at first to make sure your plant doesn't burn and you can increase to normal scheduled feeding once you are sure it will take. Like was said earlier, each plant is different and some will take all you can give them, while the same dosage on another plant will fry it. Just be sure to be reading what your ladies are telling you individually. Look at each plant on its own and see how the mix is affecting it.
So you are watering every other night with the nutes? That sounds like a lot of nutes and water. I've got mine in a 5 gallon pot so a little more then 1/2 gallon wets everything nicely. Its not for about a week that the top soil is crusty enough to want to water again.
No I don't water with neuts every other night I have a spray bottle with a small amount of big bloom in it and I mist the plants right before the lights go out. Every other watering is when I give it a full neut watering. So far so good.
Do you always PH your water after adding the nutes? If so to what? I'm planning on using ffof again, and using the basic trio as well. Another random ?...Do you get better plants off of distilled or RO spring water?
Do you always PH your water after adding the nutes? If so to what? I'm planning on using ffof again, and using the basic trio as well. Another random ?...Do you get better plants off of distilled or RO spring water?
Thanks for coming bro. I add my neuts first then I ph. I like to keep my ph between 6.2 - 6.8. As far as water I personally think its where you live, and the attitude of your plants. I am using water straight out the tap I let it sit out uncapped for awhile (about 24rs). Ph down it to where I like it and they have been doing great. I did use filtered water for the first 2 weeks but now just using regular water. I also have a spray bottle mixed with a little big bloom that I mist my leaves with every other night. Check my journal I think they are doing great.
Hope my little bit of knowledge helped a lot. My Question is for my RIU'rs does anybody have any experience with using molasses on there plants?? I hear that its the same thing as some of the neuts/ferts you can buy if so does anyone know of a comparable neut name, feeding schedule, amounts, can I add at veg stage, or does it only need to be added at flower, I've done my research and see it does nothing but bring joy to the plants and I want to give joy asap.


Active Member

I love fox farm, everything in a bag just add water.:leaf:

So are you saying that you don't need to use any FF nutrients? you only used the soil and water?

I'm about to purchase FF big bloom and FF grow big, but if I don't have too use it, i won't.!
The guy in my hydro shop said not to use any FF nutrients until after 3 week veg state!
I'm looking for a strong plant!

So are you saying that you don't need to use any FF nutrients? you only used the soil and water?

I'm about to purchase FF big bloom and FF grow big, but if I don't have too use it, i won't.!
The guy in my hydro shop said not to use any FF nutrients until after 3 week veg state!
I'm looking for a strong plant!
I dont think he was saying that u use the soil and nothing else the soil is supposed to be enough to sustain it without fert/neut for about 3 weeks but the whole FF line has been pretty good to me so far