If you can identify the entry point (fine sawdust like material on the trunk) simply take a sewing needle and probe in several spots all the way throught the trunk to effectively spear the borer. It may slightly stress the plant if you go a little bit overboard but is much less than the damage the borer creates. On my outdoor grows, I apply a insecticide called Imidacloprid (patented under the trade name "Merit") as it is a systemic, broad-spectrum insecticde that works well as a preventive for boring insects. If the damage is confined to the stems only (not the trunk) you can also cut the damage away with a pair of pruning shears then dispose of properly. I usually burn them as I hate the bastards. Other insecticdes such as Acephate (Orthene) can be applied early in the season in your immediate grow area for control of beetle borers.
I use Merit alot @ work for turf applications, I wouldnt smoke anything treated by it imo, its nasty stuff, but if applied EARLY in the season to your garden area, like, before anything is planted/sprouted, can prevent grubs/beetle worms/larvae at bay. Be wary tho, Merit is a pretty broad spectrum insecticide, so theres LOTS of beneficial insects you could possibly be impacting as well, lady bugs, hornets/wasps/bees, ect. Make sure you are properly liscenced to apply the product and fully understand the risks
that msds is pretty crappy lol, youd probably get some better information regarding application to agricultural crops/edible foods on the label.
@ Spanishfly. typically, if the bottle says dont ingest it, then even in a super deluted amount, you shouldnt ingest it