yeah I agree, a young healhty plant would out grow that one.if you were gentle enough with it, it may grow.... but it will be stunted and suffer due to the bad start it had in life, you could probably plant another and it would outgrow this one as soon as it broke out of the soil.
to be honest kinda am its not a hydroponic grow so its not really taking up too much space anything i can do to help it really?Honestly, I wouldn't even bother with it. If you aren't hurting for seeds, I would definitely choose a healthier specimen to invest your time into.
I hear ya man, I've given some little sprouts the benefit of the doubt and some really pulled through with nice meds, and others not so much. The best thing that you can do is to handle it as little as possible. I would get it into a cup with some soil keeping it moist and warm. Place under 24 hr light until it pulls through. I would keep a ziplock baggie over the top to create a little micro-environment for the seedling. This may or may not revive your seed, but it will give it the best shot. Keep us updatedto be honest kinda am its not a hydroponic grow so its not really taking up too much space anything i can do to help it really?