Found some weed growing outside so i sayd why not?


So i stole it and put it in a pot , they were growing outside in some place with alot of sand , got the roots out carefully.
Will they grow after i removed them from the earth?
Here's some pics


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they look dead. but anyway I don't think that's the weed your after. sure its a weed but not what you want.
lmao =)

The leaf structure doesn't look like that of a cannabis plant! A cannabis plant (afaik) has more spikes on each leaf, but those leaves have very few spikes.

Where do you live supertk?
That is not Weed sorry to say , it does resemble marijuana in the leaf appearance but it does not grow nor flower the same and it is just another random weed found in the fields . You stold nothing at all .. :o They do produce pretty little yellow flowers when in bloom !

Not Pot !
not pot.jpg
I'm pretty sure its cannabis , the leaves are just a bit curled and the leaves look like of a cannabis plant

atleast you can say you did a good deed. weeding the old ladys garden was very nice of you. fell free to stop by and steal my weed plants too.
Ha, there was a thread JUST LIKE this a few weeks ago, where a girl said she found some of these growing outside where her friends have bonfires and smoke and chuck seeds.
Ok fer fucks sake I had to find one of my books with this damn plant in it and low and behold I found it ..
The Latin name is Potentilla pulcherrima and common is Shrubby Cinquefoil .;1000;664

Here we go !

[h=1]Potentilla[/h]From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Cinquefoil" redirects here. For other uses, see Cinquefoil (disambiguation).[TABLE="class: infobox biota, width: 200"]
[TH="bgcolor: #90EE90, colspan: 2, align: center"]Potentilla[/TH]
[TD="colspan: 2, align: center"][/TD]
[TD="colspan: 2, align: center"]Potentilla arenaria[/TD]
[TH="bgcolor: #90EE90, colspan: 2, align: center"]Scientific classification[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #90EE90, colspan: 2, align: center"]Species[/TH]
[TD="colspan: 2"]About 180, see text and Species of Potentilla
[TH="bgcolor: #90EE90, colspan: 2, align: center"]Synonyms[/TH]
[TD="colspan: 2"]Duchesnea
and see text and Species of Potentilla

Potentilla /ˌpoʊtənˈtɪlə/[SUP][1][/SUP] is a genus containing about 180[SUP][2][/SUP] species of annual, biennial and perennialherbaceous flowering plants in the rose family Rosaceae. It is usually called cinquefoil in English. Potentillaare generally holarctic in distribution, though some may even be found in montane biomes of the New Guinea Highlands. Several other "cinquefoils" formerly included here are now separated in distinct genera.
Some species are called tormentils, though this is often used as a shorthand for common tormentil (P. erecta). Others are referred to as "barren strawberries", which may also refer to P. sterilis in particular, or to the closely related but not congeneric Waldsteinia fragarioides.
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[h=2]Contents[/h] [hide]​

[h=2]Nomenclature[edit][/h]"Cinquefoil" in the Middle English Dictionary is described as "Pentafilon – From Greek Pentaphyllon – influenced by foil, a leaf. The European cinquefoil (Potentilla reptans), often used medicinally."[SUP][3][/SUP] The word is derived from Old French cinc, Middle English cink and ultimately Latin quinque – all meaning "five" –, andfeuille and foil/foille which mean "leaf". Formerly this term referred to five-leaved plants in general. In medieval times, the word "cinquefoil" was used almost exclusively in England. In France, the genus was calledquintefeuille, first attested in Normandy and Brittany in the 11th century.
The scientific name seems to have been influenced by a fusion of ancient names for these plants: common tormentil P. erecta was known as tormentilla in medieval Latin, derived from early Spanish – literally "a little torment", meaning pain that while not debilitating is unpleasant and persistent (such as a belly ache, against which P. erecta was used). The change from initial "t" to "p" seems to have been influenced by terms such aspoterium – Latin for the related burnets (Sanguisorba) –, or propedila and similar words used for the creeping cinquefoil P. reptans in the now-extinctDacian language, as attested in Latin herbals.
In another medieval dictionary the French word potentille is defined as a "wild Tansie, a silver weed"[SUP][4][/SUP] – i.e. any of several composite plants of the genusTanacetum especially T. vulgare. The related adjective potentiel/potentiells means "strong", "forcible" or "powerful in operation". Its origin is the Frenchpotence ("strong", "powerful", "mighty" or "potent"). The origin of these words is the Latin potens, with the same meaning.
[h=2]Description and ecology[edit][/h]Typical cinquefoils look most similar to strawberries, but differ in usually having dry, inedible fruit (hence the name "barren strawberry" for some species). Many cinquefoil species have palmate leaves. Some species, such as the barren strawberry, have just three leaflets, and others (e.g. P. anserina) up to 15 or more leaflets arranged pinnately. The flowers are usually yellow, but may be white, pinkish or even red; the accessory fruit are usually dry but may be fleshy and strawberry-like, while the actual seeds – each one technically a single fruit – are tiny nuts. Cinquefoils grow wild in most cool and cold regions of the world. Most species are herbaceous perennials but a few are erect or creeping shrubs. Some are troublesome weeds. Other types are grown in gardens.

Potentilla diversifolia at 1,636 metres (5,367 ft) in Olympic National Park

Cinquefoils are a prominent part of many ecosystems. In the United Kingdom alone, common tormentil P. erecta together with purple moor grass Molinia caerulea defines many grassy mires, and grows abundantly in the typical deciduous forest rich in downy birch (Betula pubescens), common wood sorrel (Oxalis acetosella) and sessile oak (Quercus petraea). In upland pastures on calcareous soil it typically accompanies common bent Agrostis capillaris, sheep's fescue Festuca ovina and mother-of-thyme Thymus praecox. The boggyheathlands of southern Britain are dominated by bristle bent (Agrostis curtisii) and western gorse (Ulex gallii) as well as those on The Lizard peninsula, characterized by Cornish heath (Erica vagans) and black bog-rush (Schoenus nigricans). But it is most commonly seen in regions dominated by common heather (Calluna vulgaris) – be it the common lowland heaths rich in bell heather Erica cinerea, maritime heath where Spring squill (Scilla verna) grows in abundance, the submontane heaths of the north dominated by the peat mossSphagnum capillifolium and bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus), or montane heathlands of Scotland with plentiful alpine juniper (Juniperus communis ssp. alpina).

Caterpillars of the Olive Skipper(Pyrgus serratulae) feed on cinquefoils​

Spring cinquefoil P. neumanniana, on the other hand, is rare in Britain, found generally only in some southern calcareous grasslands rich in sheep's fescue; in the south west it associates with Carline Thistle (Carlina vulgaris), whereas in the south east it is usually accompanied by Mouse-ear Hawkweed (Hieracium pilosella) and either or both mother-of-thyme and large thyme T. pulegioides.
The leaves of some cinquefoils are eaten by the caterpillars of some Lepidoptera, in particular grizzled skippers (Pyrgus) of theHesperiidae; see list of Lepidoptera that feed on Potentilla. The plants' flowers are also occasionally visited by adult Lepidoptera; for example, the endangered Karner Blue (Lycaeides melissa samuelis) includes nectar of common cinquefoil (P. simplex) among its common food sources. Polish Cochineal (Porphyrophora polonica), in former times commercially important in crimson dye production, is a notable parasite of cinquefoils on sandy soils of Eastern Europe and western Asia.
The flowers of cinquefoils are pollinated by such insects as the Fernald cuckoo bumble bee, Bombus fernaldae.[SUP][5][/SUP]
[h=2]Use by humans[edit][/h]

Sulphur Cinquefoil (P. recta) growing in a garden​

Some of the typical cinquefoils are grown as ornamental plants. These are generally high species with bright, showy flowers, such as P. atrosanguinea, P. nepalensis and Sulphur Cinquefoil (P. recta). Horticultural hybridssuch as Hopwood's Cinquefoil (P. × hopwoodiana) and Tongue Cinquefoil (P. × tonguei) have also been bred, and there exists a range of cultivars. Even double-flowered cinquefoils have been bred, starting with Victor Lemoine's 1854 'Gloire de Nancy'. Other species are useful for more specialized gardening purposes, such asrock gardens or swamps. Among the former is the hardy Spring Cinquefoil (P. neumanniana), the floral emblem of Cromartyshire.
Some species are used in herbalism. P. fragarioides contains D-Catechin and is used as a hemostatic inTraditional Chinese Medicine, while Common Tormentil (P. erecta) was similarly used in European folk medicine, and also to treat diarrhea and other gastrointestinal ailments. It is rich in flavonoids, saponins,tannins, as well as phenol and the glycoside tormentilline, and has been shown to be bacteriostatic andvirostatic. It also contains the red dye tormentole and was sometimes used to colour leather and other materials in former times.
Common Tormentil has also been used in transplant research, demonstrating that these are useful to distinguish between subspecies, and forms andvarieties: the former are distinct populations with strongly heritable traits, while the latter two have distinguishing traits produced by ecological conditions and often not inheritable.
Potentilla erecta extract has been succesfully used to treat different types of diarrhea, including diarrhea in adult patients with inflammatory bowel disease[1]. Sergei Shushunov, MD [2] and his team conducted studies on treating diarrhea in children suffering from viral enterocolitis, demonstrating very remarkable results [3] . Patented Potentilla erecta preparation for children is manufactured by Lev Laboratories [4]
[h=3]In art[edit][/h]See also Charge (heraldry)#PlantsIn heraldry, the cinquefoil emblem or "potentilla" signified strength, power, honor, and loyalty. Depiction of the five-petaled flower appears as early as 1033, in the architecture of the church built in the village of Reulle-Vergy (Burgundy, France), two years before the reign of William the Conqueror. The cinquefoil emblem was used generously in the architecture of numerous churches built in Normandy and Brittany, through the 15th century.
From the 11th to 14th century, the word potence – related to Potentilla, as per above – was used mainly in a military context and to describe the condition of the soul. During the time of William the Conqueror, the potentilla was used as an emblem on the coat of arms of Bardolph of Bretagne, who in 1066 was the master of the William's military engineer corps.
[h=2]Systematics and taxonomy[edit][/h]

Creeping Cinquefoil (P. reptans), thetype species of Potentilla, was scientifically described by Linnaeus in 1753.​

Analysis of internal transcribed spacer DNA sequence data has yielded valuable information on cinquefoil relationships, supporting previous hypotheses about their relationships but also resulting in a number of changes to the circumscription of Potentilla:[SUP][6][/SUP]

Fruit of Mock Strawberry (Potentilla indica), formerly in Duchesnea but in fact a close relative of Creeping Cinquefoil[SUP][6][/SUP]​

Among the Rosaceae, the typical cinquefoils are close relatives of such plants as the avens of genus Geum and the roses (Rosa), and even closer relatives of the agrimonies (Agrimonia). Yet more closely related to Potentilla are the lady's mantles (Alchemilla) and strawberries (Fragaria). The avens of genusDryas are not as closely related as long believed though.
The genera Duchesnea (Mock Strawberry), Horkelia (horkelias), and Ivesia (mousetails), previously all regarded as distinct, are often but not universally included in Potentilla today. Conversely, the shrubby plants previously included in this genus are well distinct and now separated in the genus Dasiphora, while some distinctive and apparently protocarnivorous[SUP][7][/SUP]herbaceous cinquefoils are placed in Drymocallis. Marsh Cinquefoil and the disputed Potentilla salesowianum are now separated into the genus Comarum, and the Three-toothed Cinquefoil is transferred to the monotypic genus Sibbaldiopsis. As already proposed by John Hill in the 18th century, the silverweeds are probably also separable as genus Argentina, though as it seems they are the immediate sister genus of Potentilla: as the boundary between them remains to be defined in detail, it is not inconceivable that the silverweeds will in the future again be included with the typical cinquefoils in a single genus.
[h=3]Selected species[edit][/h]
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[h=2]Formerly included here[edit][/h]