Found some long forgotten seeds, what are the odds some sprout?


Hey folks,

I was rummaging through my dresser drawer and found a small bag filled with seeds from a grow a friend and I did 8 years ago, they've been kept in a small dime bag in dark for 8 years, I just put 20-30 to sprout hopefully a few pop out.

What do you guys think? Will a few come out?

From last I remember, the strain is Low-rider, Autoflowering. Plant is perfect for PC cases, grows from seed to bud, 10-15 inch plant.


What conditions do you put your seeds to germinate? I have them in a tupperware container with wet paper towel in a dark corner, i'm gonna check on it every day or two. I left a crack make sure it can breathe also. Would be pretty cool if it sprouts :)


Well-Known Member
You're kinda new, but I'm known for being unable to germinate a seed. There are plenty of methods, some contradict each others. Most is opinion based, but as for conditions, 78F is everyones optimal temperature, dark, and moist, but not super wet (Try damp). The most popular methods are the paper towel, submerssion, and pre-soak.


Active Member
The purps by Thseeds was bred from a clone off a 22 year old seed,and that strain is well nice,so while they won't all germinate their will still be a chance what does will be good ;)


Active Member
Ok, I just went through this. I'm currently going on my first plant ever so its pretty awesome i can actually answer someones question lol. About 3 years ago my brother pissed me off and i stole a bag of seeds from his dresser..i know petty and whatnot....i was 16 and pissed off..what can ya do....anyways. I had no intention of growing them so they sat in my dresser (room temp. dark humid, air pretty sure) for 3 years. One day i had a revelation and wanted to grow a couple plants and realized i still had these seeds...I put a damp peice of paper towel on a plate, put a power towel over top of them and misted it until decently wet and pressing against the top of the seed, than put a plate on top of it to keep it dark yet still have a tiny bit of air flow. left them for a day and a couple popped ...fucked up the growth simply because i didnt plant them properly at...made the now dry top cloth damp again and most of the others popped within another day....about 7 outta 12 sprouted...fucked up 6 due to bad light, bad pots and carelessness...but i now have one good growing plant from it....sorry about the fucking book i just wrote..but im baked n got into it haha


In one sense I'm hoping I don't have the success rate you got for your seeds, 60% would be too much, I'm already planning on growing SCROG with clones, I might have to migrate the Low Riders in a PC case, but I might even leave the M and F together, Fresh seeds would be nice, I would do sea of green after, heck, I might even do sea of green in a Mid-Tower PC case, 6 plants with a hydro bubbler. haha


Active Member
the more seeds that sprout the better,you can pick the one that looks most suitable,ie tighter growth etc, I like to dwarf plants myself as I stealth grow too,so I always go for the one that is the middle pheno,not tall but not too stocky,tightest nodes and most bushy, so I do atleast 6-10 seeds with the intention of keeping 2 at max,sounds wasteful but i get my seeds cheap and know what I am looking out for now plant wise to fit my situation, still the more sprouts you start off with the better chance of finding that keeper ;)