found some bananas.. what to do now.

what would you do?

  • kill it?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • let it go till 6 weeks if they continue popping up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • let it go for the entire 8-9 weeks

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Hi all. I'm like 95% sure I foumd some banans on a plant in week 4. Started having issues with it and its very obviously stressed about something. Thats not tge question though.

So I looked extensively and only found one bud that had yhem but it had like 4 kn a small bottom bud.
So I figure it has already polinated the four girls I have in there and id like to let them go longer but wondering if if should eliminate the one tjat had the banana bud. They are all showing the stress in simillar ways. So I wouldnt be surprised if I see more.
What do you guys think?

Sorry for typos my phone gets real sketchy when I backspace on here for some reason.
Here's a shitty pic of the bud with bamamas.

Edit * in poll option 3 should have said let it go full 8-9 no matter what it does.



Well-Known Member
Don't be so sure that all 4 of the plants you have were pollinated. Its possible to have just a mild case in the event that one plant threw just a couple nanners and pollinated only the lower buds that were nearby.
Now, it could very well have spread to all of them, but not necessarily.
Like Merlot here says inspect them closely and pick off what you can find. Some will tell you to trash the whole plant, but I'd rather have buds with seeds than no buds at all.
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Well-Known Member
Id rather have buds with seeds thanno buds ttoo. My setup is somewhat perpetual though so if a lot.of pollen does end up showing up will it be detrimental to future cycles?


Well-Known Member
Just clean your grow on reg basis by wiping down walls and equip etc. My bd throws nanners and only pollinates other bd's not any other strain in grow. Tweeze them off onto a wet paper towel and discard. Takes 6 wks to grow seeds


Well-Known Member
Hmm I didnt know it took 6 weeks for seeds to grow. Is that for a mature seed or just for those soft unfinished seed starts?