Found my crop 3 days before harvest


Yeah bub, Ive never made oil. I have bubble bags lol.
Ok here goes. You need a microwaveable container preferably ceramic type or perhaps a rectangular pyrex.6" x 8" give or take, with a flat bottom as you need to be able to scrape the bottom with a razor blade to get the oil out when you are done cooking it. You need everclear alcohol which is 98% pure alcohol. You need to cut out of a white TShirt, and cut out approx 1' x 1' square section of cloth which is used to squeeze out oil/alcohol mix,(filter) and a napkin like mcdonalds uses or equivelent, and a 12 oz glass or so, which is made of glass.
You break up the dried weed approx 1/8 to get started. I use the best weed I can get.You put the pyrex container on counter, and drape the paper napkin over the container and put a small weight on each side of it to hold the napkin somewhat taught. Then you lay the cloth over the napkin, This is the primary and secondary filters. You put it in the glass and add a few ounces of alcohol. you put it in the microwave for about 30 seconds or so. When it is done boiling in the microwave, you pour it onto the center of the cloth. Then you carefully lift up the cloth leaving the napkin still draped over the container, and twist out the weed, alcohol mix, and twist it till you cant sqeeze out any more of the THC mix onto the napkin filter below. After you squeeze this out, the weed is no longer any good and the oil is filtering thru the napkin. Keep the napkin taught as it drips into the container. When the mix is filtered and in the container, you remove the napkin. I use the cloth filter over and over again, and usually get several uses with the napkin too. Napking can be cleaned with alcohol eventually.
Now you have alcohol/oil mix in the container. Next you microwave the mix. The object is to evaporate all the alcohol and leave the oil on the bottom of the container. This can take anywhere from about a minute to a few minutes depending on the amount of alcohol you use. You have to carefully monitor this as you trie to boil the alcohol off the oil mix. I stop it every 30 seconds of so, remove the container, and blow the alcohol/oil mix to hasten evaporation. Dont let it burn. As the final amount of alcohol is evaporated, you can blow on it and tell when there is no alcohol left. Now you need to cool it down, What I do is carefully turn the container upside down, and slowly run water over the bottom. Dont get any water in the oil, this is just to cool the container down. Lay the upside down container on a small towel, and wipe the water off the bottom and sides.You should be able to turn the container right side up with out getting any drops going into the oil.. It's done!

This is how I smoke it. I use a razorblade and scrape out about half the amount of a match head. I take a bread twistie and clean off most of the paper or plastic exposing the metal and burn the metal with a lighter to clean off any adhesive. Next I run the metal twistie over the blade of the razor to get the oil on the twistie. I heat up a spoon for abouta minute or so with a torch. I place the hot spoon on a heat proof material like ceramic tabel top, granet table top or equivelent. I get a tube about 8" long (Coper 1/2" tube or equivelent). Then I dab the twistie onto the hot spoon and draw the vapors from the oil, thru the coper tube and inhale. Of coarse you may have your own method of smoking oil.

Notes: Never smoke while cooking this, and never use anything in microwave that is metal, It could spark a fire. This may sound dangerous, but I have been cooking like this for over 25 years, and I have not had any problems. By far the best way to get high IMO. Cheers!