Found my crop 3 days before harvest


Well-Known Member
40 plants gone! Probably about 8-10 lbs. We got about one lb of early buds, but Police helocopter found them. Never got to try the bluecheese, Bubbles kush, had a small taste and it was incredible. A lot of work for nothing!
The cops look for
  1. The color
  2. The perfectly round shape from above that they compare to a Christmas tree.
Mexican taught me years ago to tie them over (early LST?) so they are not round appearing from above. Screw the thermal signature and IR. Cops ain't that advanced and don't have that training or technology in most cases. As the plant grows lay it over and stake it off the ground. A huge bonus is what would be lower side buds get full exposure. Like Vertical growing only horizontal.


Well-Known Member
40 plants gone! Probably about 8-10 lbs. We got about one lb of early buds, but Police helocopter found them. Never got to try the bluecheese, Bubbles kush, had a small taste and it was incredible. A lot of work for nothing!
Dam that sucks ! so sorry bro.


Well-Known Member
The cops look for
  1. The color
  2. The perfectly round shape from above that they compare to a Christmas tree.
Mexican taught me years ago to tie them over (early LST?) so they are not round appearing from above. Screw the thermal signature and IR. Cops ain't that advanced and don't have that training or technology in most cases. As the plant grows lay it over and stake it off the ground. A huge bonus is what would be lower side buds get full exposure. Like Vertical growing only horizontal.
Thanks for the intel, that it awesome advice.


Well-Known Member
Yes agree I never had any good outdoor runs as bugs pm humidity people etc but yes big bushes get you busted run it like hot rod said keep it low and spread.


Well-Known Member
You can tie them over all you want 9 times out of 10 they have a heads up on where your growing
Obviously you are not aware that in Cal and the NW cops helicopter the areas looking for what I said.Their "heads up" is often from themselves. Not just the color and shape either but trails where little recreation is going on or nobody has a real reason to go a lot. Not saying dime droppers don't help them out but they catch a lot in MT, ID, WA, OR and Cal by flying over.


Well-Known Member
Cleared areas or areas that don't blend in with the surroundings is another. Equipment like water containers (camouflage them) or anything that looks out of the ordinary. We call it "guerrilla growing" for a reason.

66 north

Well-Known Member
I have to say there buddy don't go out and buy a lotto ticket this great big world and fly right up to your plants . Sure they do find some but usually there pointed in the right direction b4 liftoff . That my story and I am sticking with it


Well-Known Member
40 plants gone! Probably about 8-10 lbs. We got about one lb of early buds, but Police helocopter found them. Never got to try the bluecheese, Bubbles kush, had a small taste and it was incredible. A lot of work for nothing!

We learn one time, I hope, not to put all the eggs in one basket, or where they might build a road someday.

Been there and it sucks the first hour,...It`s not a lot of work with all the girls in a crowd.


DId you have 40 plants all in same area? how big did the plants get? How far off the trail? How often did you visit?
There were two sections about 100 yds apart. One section had most of them. Plants were started a little late as the seed company works slow. Averageing 4'-6'. I suspect that the 40 would have produced give or take 10 lbs. Bluecheese and liberty haze were the largest, and bubbles kush, which I toped one and tried it(Great High and taste!), Were not too much smaller. These were hard to get too. My biggest fear was hunters, and that is why they were earlier flowering plants. We visited them on Mondays and Wednesdays for the last month for watering. They were in 7 gallon container. We used fox brand organic fertilizer. Before the last month, we only had to go out there once a week at most. We carted 6 5 gallon buckets for watering each time we went there. We put deer fencing around, and sprayed dear repellent, and never had a problem with dear. 2 days before the bust, we happend to be watering them, and a helicopter(police went over, but didnt circle around, so i didnt think they saw it. Looking back I should have cut them down then and there.