Found Hermies 5 wks into flower, help


So i have a soil based closet grow ( 2-4 at a time) so I thought by removing the hermies i would be ok, but apparently NOT.
I had put two new in to flower after the others had been in there 4 wks. so they were in the same enviro for 1 week. Now the two new ones are showing pollen sacks at the 3rd wk of flowering.
So my question, besides cleaning the fan do i have to steam clean the carpet, bleach the walls, ceiling, remove and throw out all the reflective stuff i put up as well?

Now my 2nd part to this is that I would walk from my hermie area into my veg it also transferring by my clothes and fingers( if i touched the other plants) etc...
My big issue is that i have started a cycle with clones and am about to start flowering about 6 plants and dont want to spend any more $$ only to find out they will also turn hermies because i cross contaminated the. I could isolate one and wait but then the others would be so large by the time i put into flowering i would not have enough space. I guess not the worst problem.

Any help is appreciated!



Active Member
If you are concerned about breeding good seeds, I would rip out the reflective shit and spray everything with bleach/water... but that is just me.. Pollen will generally not take unless it is still powdery. If it floats through the air, it will breed.

I had some good males flowering a while back and some pollen got on top of the 1000w reflector.. I was on a different crop a few months later and i brushed the "dust" off the top of the reflector, and bam! seeds..

wet pollen will not take well but dry pollen can last years.


I am 10000000 % sure they have pollen sacks, like the plants i pulled out before them that had seeds( 6wks into flower) buried deep in the bud, which is why i never say them, or chose not to believe it i guess.
While were on it has anyone tried the lady gaga strain? that is what i got a a clone. btw every single photo i see is identical to my lady, like legs are spread at the base of every new sprout.

So clean it all huh.....


Active Member
Making me think twice about using collodial silver or Tiresias Mist to create male pollen. Sorry to hear about your problem. If pollen spreads that easily how do breeders control their seed production? I was thinking of making some seeds from the plants I'm growing. Good luck with your plants. Is hermie pollen different than male pollen. I'm guessing yes.



this is the best pic i have of the first batch i removed, they were hermies left to grow on accident, thinking b/c i removed them i was safe...NOT. u can see by the pic my hermies had seeds by this point but only on 40% the rest were fine with no signs of hermie/male or seeds


Well-Known Member
theres nothing wroth with that picture.. it if has calyxs on it, it will always be a female part.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
this is the best pic i have of the first batch i removed, they were hermies left to grow on accident, thinking b/c i removed them i was safe...NOT. u can see by the pic my hermies had seeds by this point but only on 40% the rest were fine with no signs of hermie/male or seeds
Looks very female to me, not seeing anything looking hermie, maybe I'm missing something but it's a girl in my books
Dr. Jekyll

You are right Reelfish2, but only you and I can see her true hermie traits lingering in the background, that bitch is going to grow balls, we all know it.
Mr. Hyde


Well-Known Member
I see a female. The reason I asked for pics was because I wasn't sure if you might be confusing female calyx for seed pod.