Found a mite.. What should I do?

I went to water my seedlings (in solo cups 3" apart) this morning and saw a yellowish pear shaped spec running around in the soil of one with my naked eye. Unfortunately I panicked and trashed that plant instantly so I do not have any photos :shock:

I turned off the lights and sprayed the remaining seedlings and their soil heavily with green cleaner, took a shower, and checked the other tent. The flower tent is about 5 feet away and seems okay..

How should I proceed? :cry:

Extra details:
- Seedlings are in a shared saucer on a box 2' off ground with T5 bulbs above
- Recently transplanted from rapid rooter pods to perferated solo cups of FFOF
- One intake fan at floor level ~150 cfm
- One oscillating fan inside tent (on low)
- Tent's lower vents are fully open
- In an upstairs bedroom w/ hardwood floors
- Exterior room has no ventilation or intakes
- My dogs are always kept away from tents

Thanks for your time and help
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Well-Known Member
First thing is get any other plants near to it out of the way ,This most likely is a little late ,Check them over to see there on anything else.If possible get some Lady Birds ,Or bugs in the us,Put them on the plants and leave them a few days ,if there is not many then they will soon eat there way through them.The Trouble is eggs have more than likely been laid now.

I be Honest i all ways do away with any plants with Mites,i have only ever had them twice,Touch wood.Has soon has i spotted them i ditched them,Even more so if there Plants you can easy get via beans ,Just Start again.There a Nightmare to get rid of ,I never Visit Friends that grow's Gardens .Just in case they have mites.But i have seen them beat with the help of lady bugs.Make sure that your room is all ways kept tidy,

I have Lady Bugs/Birds in my room all the time,Collect them in summer and just leave them in there ,They become less active during flowering because they think its getting near Winter,So all ways have some in The veg area.There Must Be other things in the rooms though, because i have had some in my room ages,I know they eat Dust mites too ,so may be these,I also leave the House spiders the big scary tings in my room they don't hunt with webs,and they have never done no harm so i leave them too .

Tyke 1973
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Get some Nukem or Doctor Zymes spray. It's 100% organic and is simply citric acid. Spray weekly for preventive maintenance. Remember lights off when spraying