Found a dog....

You have to try out different names, like get a list with the 100 most popular names and try them out on her. With a few minutes in between. If you hit the right one you will see. She'll be looking like hey he's is not so stoopid after all.
We tried: titch, tiny, Tinkerbell, Lucy, weeny, poppet..

The usual suspects.
She can be rollitups christmas miracle mascot.

Glad you've took her in. How are you going to find the owners?
We've been to the garda (police station), local vet, and put an ad up in the local supermarket. When the dog warden opens tomorrow they get a call, and I'll be ringing the local radio station (it's VERY local. Everybody listens to it) and I've posted pictures on

Did I miss anything? :)
Funny thing is, a lot of dogs have been getting stolen by Gypsies round here. And here I sit in my caravan with someone else's dog... The irony is not lost on me.

LOL just wait until she starts channeling Satan. I give you fair warning here, terriers, all terriers can channel Satan AND his minions. I swore I'd never own a damn terrier and now my service dog is a damn Terrier and I do mean DAMNED!

Excuse me while I go shower and wash this insanity off moi :)
We've been to the garda (police station), local vet, and put an ad up in the local supermarket. When the dog warden opens tomorrow they get a call, and I'll be ringing the local radio station (it's VERY local. Everybody listens to it) and I've posted pictures on

Did I miss anything? :)

Nah man, you've got it nailed.
LOL just wait until she starts channeling Satan. I give you fair warning here, terriers, all terriers can channel Satan AND his minions. I swore I'd never own a damn terrier and now my service dog is a damn Terrier and I do mean DAMNED!

Excuse me while I go shower and wash this insanity off moi :)
I'm generally a big dog person, terriers are a little too...possessed.