Found A Cool New Item For Stealth Setups...


I was recently looking for a way to lock a kitchen style cabinet in a manor that had no visible signs of a lock, latch, etc. Basically I didn't want anything to look out of the ordinary, but I did want the cabinet to be sealed tight and not budge if tampered with. My fiancé of all people said look at these: (third row down, 2nd column)


They are magnetic actuating locks meant for the baby market and they both work quite well. One is by Safety 1st, the other Kidco. You use a magnetic key to open the locks. I bought a set of each and they were about $15 a set. I like the 1st ones listed, the Kidcos, as there is no play when latched. The second ones have just a small amount of play but they are still very good.

The great thing about these is you would never know the cabinet was locked or concealing anything from the outside. Even with an aggressive pull the door doesn't budge (I installed both sets with screws). Takes five minutes to install and they both come with everything you need.

