Found a banana, time to pull?


Active Member
00 Seeds Bubblegum Auto. 78 days from seed, flowering for 46 days. 00 Seeds says flowering takes 55+ days.

I found a single banana (so far), but as you can see from the pictures, she had put out a lot of new growth with white pistils. The new calyxes are less than 50% cloudy, but the older ones are mostly cloudy with maybe a few amber (it's hard to see them well).

I've given her a once over and didn't find any other male parts.

I'm pretty happy with her size so far, and her nugs are solid, but I'm not sure if I should try to let her go a little longer and chance a pollination of her and the other flowering plant, or just take her now and call it good.

Thanks for any advice!

lime73, thanks!, I guess that was my first instinct, this plant is really doing well and still packing on weight. I'd hate to pull her too soon, but the banana freaked me out a bit.
The Bananas as you call them that appear only in very very late flowers that are very ripe can be used to create 100% female seeds.

That is one method seed breeders use to make FEM seeds. Very ripe female buds can produce some pollen as a last attempt survival mechanism if there are no males around

Just so you know, you can collect that pollen , freeze it for future use or use it straight away on other females in early to mid flower to create your own fem seeds. Any seed in the bud in this grow that you find if mature enough to germinate will be 100% female.

The pollen collected will only have XX chromosomes thus only female, so if the plant you cross it with is a female as well i.e XX chromosomes the off spring/seeds will also be 100% XX.

Bananas that come early i.e hermies actually have some XY chromosomes (male) and are not suitable for making seeds and those plants should be bagged and discarded as soon as possible.
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Thanks for the info, @RangiSTaxi ! I was wondering about that. I've discarded the one banana I pulled, but I'm going to keep an eye out for more and if I find one, I'm going to try to pollinate a lower on the same plant and also try to save some. I've got a purple kush even further along in flower but I'm wondering if it's too late to pollinate it and get valid seeds, though I guess it wouldn't hurt to try that too.

I'll look up further info now. Thanks again!
Ill add a note that I've checked the plant over quite carefully throughout the grow and have not seen any hermaphroditic signs, so I should be in the clear.