Found a Baby Deer


Well-Known Member
Wondering what's going on with the deer. Meanwhile. Hummingbirds.

We need a deer update. :p
Baby's still doing really good. She's putting weight on like crazy now that she's eating on her own and she's gotten pretty tall.

It's really cool having her hang around the yard and I can go out and feed her cucumbers from the garden, she really likes them.

She ventures out from time to time into the pasture but she tends to stay close to the house.


Well-Known Member
@ carne seca.. the hummingbirds are cool as hell..i have never seen 3 sit like that..they are territorial here around feeders and fight in the air around the feeders


Well-Known Member
You can see the love baby has for you 420God in her eyes. Going to be sad if she leaves. Good job though

@carne seca how did you teach those hummingbirds to eat together. Mine fight till they get so tiired they have to sit together. LOL I would love to see all the birds you get to see, lucky man. Keep posting pictures love it.


Awww how cute. I live in the woods and have a few wild ones roaming around but they are so shy as soon as they see/smell you they are off.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
those stupid hummingbirds really do need there own thread.

hijackers suck. :cuss:
They;re too small. They'd get lost in this big ol' forum thingy. Poor little devils. :(

You're so mean.

Anyway, I didn't want the thread to die so it's filler. :p

Plus: If you knew how hard it is to get a pic of a hummingbird sitting still, you wouldl show a little more respect. :p