
Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
lets say you were offered the ability to be fossilized at your death, whenever it came. Would you like to be? personally, i like the idea, stick me in mud or ash, cement, w/e if i can be preserved to be studied by some future species then all the better no? i think its a lot more interesting to have this kind of postmortem existence rather than being buried in a cemetery, and i understand that cemeteries are also going to easily accessible to most people in the future, i still like the idea of fossilization. what's your opinion on the subject? would you rather be frozen in a glacier? or buried under a few feet of dirt? whatever the method. personally, in death i'd take this route or rather be buried in a forest somewhere or dropped off in the Savannah where animals can eat my corpse for a good meal compared to the idea of being buried with a bunch of dead folk in a patch of land.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I don't care what happens to my body after I've died. Turn me into fertilizer, grow some weed.

New Age United

Well-Known Member
Ya I'm not really too concerned either, but one interesting thing that has become popular is to turn your ashes into a diamond, they actually do it, my ma wants to do this and I say ok, you live forever in your own sort of way lol!!!!, I'll pray for Jesus to meet her in the middle.

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
I just want to be left alone to have a bit of peace and quiet, I don't want people poking around with me or standing over me in a hundred years time, goodness me life is hectic enough without having a hectic death.