We owe people when these two things occur.
We are honoring an agreement we entered into on a mutual basis with another party or parties.
We take something which isn't ours. (violate another persons right)
Forcing a black guy to use his body on his property to serve you, against his wishes isn't honoring an agreement is it ? It sounds like you are okay with taking away his right to self determine, but since you'd take away every persons right to self determine, it's actually equality of oppression you are pushing.
You default to the idea that government people are exempt and somehow have some supernatural godlike ability to make others choices for them and that will make "everybody equal". Of course that is self contradictory isn't it?
Then you fail to address my mathematical proof that it's a lie. What is the sum of a million zeroes ? It's still zero isn't it?
So are you saying if I have what I consider a brilliant idea, I can charge you for it, whether you use it or not ?
I can prevent you from using alternatives and even if you do use alternative services, you'd own me anyway?
So when you say the law works for my mom, are you saying because you'd force a black guy to serve you against his will, you'd like my mom to join in with you and force people who don't want to, to serve her too?