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It's september 1st in 1 hour and 45min.!. Can my portion of the "test" consist of having to delete all of the vulgar posts made by me3 within 2min. I have been studying all week for this.
lol im half filipino all asian are preprogramed at birth with the answers to every test ever made or will be made so im set :)
lol im half filipino all asian are preprogramed at birth with the answers to every test ever made or will be made so im set :)

Yep, you asians have the biggest brains on the planet. Quantative physics and calculus? "Sheet, get out of the way and let me show you how eeeeeazy dis is Pimpasan" Just wondering... WTF happens to Asians brains when they get behind the wheel of a car? I swear, cars are like Asian kryptonite. You can ace organic chemistry but driving a car is harder than piloting the space shuttle. (all in good fun my friend).
Yep, you asians have the biggest brains on the planet. Quantative physics and calculus? "Sheet, get out of the way and let me show you how eeeeeazy dis is Pimpasan" Just wondering... WTF happens to Asians brains when they get behind the wheel of a car? I swear, cars are like Asian kryptonite. You can ace organic chemistry but driving a car is harder than piloting the space shuttle. (all in good fun my friend).

*but cars are harder to master.. ;) heh
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