Can someone please tell me how to subsribe to threads im new and no seems to want to help![]()
hi ppl,
I have been trying to upload photos from photobucket so that the picture is on the screen and not a attached thumbnail.
I copy and paste the http from photobucket to the url in manage attachments but it won't recongnize it. can anyone help?
Update: ok I have figured out how to upload the image, but there still coming up as thumbnails.
[youtube]<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/youtube]
I've searched all over. Peeps seem to type "bump" in their own threads, and I'm not familiar with it. Can't find a reference anywhere. What do it mean?
EDIT: I think I found my answer on wiki .... correct?
"Thread bumping is commonly considered a breach of netiquette and some moderated forums forbid it. Users may get around that by posting what is ostensibly a genuine reply. Sometimes this will mockingly contain the word "bump" in it, such as "Wandering the forum, he bumps into this thread...", or be a trivial question or response such as "Anyone?" Bumping old or inactive ("dead") threads is occasionally called "necroposting" or "thread necromancy", and the bumped posts referred to as "frankenposts"."
I have a 30 Amp timer box from sunlight supply--- i have it pluged into my dryer to the the 220 an i have 4 1000 watt lights with digital ballest an the timers box came with a timer an for some reason when I set the time on it for OFF an ON the lights dont come on nor shut off--- the timer box comes with 4 -240 receptacles an 2- 120 volt receptacles--- there are 2 cords coming out the the box one plugs in to the the dryer socket an the other into the wall to get power an I have the timer plugged into the timer box--- i am not sure what I am doing wrong-- can someone help thanks --------