Former KKK Grand Dragon Explains Why Racists Like Trump


Well-Known Member
You live on this forum acting out all day and at night which suggests you are another gruntled millennial loser without any income, nothing to be proud of or show ownership for......sucking on some govt. teat, smoking dope wasting your life away.
should he be more like you?

Screenshot 2016-01-02 at 5.06.43 PM.png

by the way, me and bearkat are the ones sending you your social security check and socialized medicare.


Well-Known Member
Weak race?

Which races are weaker in your mind?

Africa has long been a place of the few ruling over the many. Impoverished people over there often have rulers that are filthy rich.

The strong subjugate the weak. Very few strong people protect the weak. So you get situations where the people are ruled under the very real and ever close threat of violence.

Can a group of people be weak? Yes. Can a race as a whole be weak? No.
you were giving likes to him before he came out as full blown neo-nazi. LOL


Well-Known Member
Flat broke? Lmao, not even close. And another one? Na, I know you are full of shit and probably a stay at home loser that gets his jollies off this. You're a troll and that tells me that my taxes pay for your worthless life
and another white supremacist.

let me guess, trump supporter?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Look, I understand the point you are trying to make, but at the same time....
everything you just described IS indeed weakness. Look up the defenition of the word.
He was describing the whole race as weak. If he meant something else, his words did not portray it.

It depends on what you are describing as weak. The slaves weren't physically weak. They would not have been bought and kept if they could not perform.

How does a group overthrow a corrupt government or leader? They have to gain power through a large collective of people. Then they have to have access to resources or an outside party willing to provide the mechanisms of war to them.

If we had not received help from the French we could still be a British colony.

So where is the weakness again? Are you referring to the seller or the ones sold?

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
On the real, though, someone better tell me where this white privilege is at, though, because I could really use that shit right now. Is there an application process? Do we get backpay?