Forgot to turn on Aeroponic cloner !!!!!!!


Dammit, I have 8 ww cuttings 6 days old in my aeroponic cloner and I was checking the temp this morning before work and was in a hurry and forgot to plug the damn thing back in. Came home and they are all wilted over.

They were turned off at 8:30am and turned back on at 3:30pm

I assume there is no recovery for that amount of down time or is there cause they dont have roots yet?

Sooo pissed cause I flowered the entire crop, those were my next gens.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
How far into flowering are your main plants? You can cut a few of the lower branches and take clones from them. They will take a little longer to clone, and will start out by produceing single leafs that look more like Spinach. But it is possible. I even once took a 2.5 inch bud with a bit of stem on it and cloned it, just to see if it was possible. I took it all the way to harvest and that bud stayed right at the base till the end.


Yea, there not far into flower. But I don't know if I can get 8 more GOOD clones off it , these ones were prime cuts all of the bottom. I can probably come up with a few but it still hurts </cry>