Forever 90 to 95 degrees

oh really???

Well-Known Member
i pm'd the peeps that said you could grow in 85-95 degree temps. please direct me to some reading on how. everywhere says 81 is perfect and 85 with co2 well i have co2 and a constant temp between 83-88. i also have a small wind vortex inside. not too swift but a nice circulation. the humidity is at 40% +/-. am i good. i've got some girls waiting for daddy to give the ok.


Well-Known Member
i pm'd the peeps that said you could grow in 85-95 degree temps. please direct me to some reading on how. everywhere says 81 is perfect and 85 with co2 well i have co2 and a constant temp between 83-88. i also have a small wind vortex inside. not too swift but a nice circulation. the humidity is at 40% +/-. am i good. i've got some girls waiting for daddy to give the ok.

How...just like you would if you are growing in 75 temps. I actually can get my temps to 82 but have to turn down my cooltube exhaust fan because i get better results with temps at 90 with CO2. Your temps are perfect for any strain.

oh really???

Well-Known Member
YYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY. i have been monkey-ing around with this thing for weeks. temps as low as 75 and as high as 90. i'm doing co2 already. i can now start. thank you . . . thank you all. another newbie has entered into the fold.