Foreign hip hop with political lyrics translated to english. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
I came across this song in some unknown language that no one understand and the songs english translation. Pretty damn spot on lyrics(that doesent rhyme due to translation, so treat it as non rhyming poetry when reading the lyrics) and the music sounds very good too.

One day we will be set free of these chains One day the Truth will be known Systematic shaping of the common opinion Psycho-sociological silencing of those who say differently Power of repetition, conditioning, brainwashing, exposure Thesis, anti-thesis, synthesis, preparation for the future Those who control the knowledge, control the qualities of reality Wrap their fingers around it, turning the head of Pavlov’s dog It doesent help to spell it out With the power of masses expelling anyone trying to rock the boat This is how a minority dictates what the majority decide Individual, woken up amongst sheep God of knowledge, temple, studio apartment Wouldnt just swallow what was sent through a monitor Eyes wondering on a text at a monitor Every word can enlighten you Every truth only make you stronger against the disappointments of life but wont remove the thirst of knowledge Anarchist, lunatic, hippie, stamps made to be worn Truth has made you what you are Speaking about is wrong. Why? What does a healthy person do in a world where everyone else is sick? Swimming against the current, not moving Or injecting himself with a virus What if i told you its coming? Be a drop in the stream of change Over time it will push through mountains You will bring it closer to tomorrow Let the other laugh, dreams have changed the world Dont say its impossible Change for the better is the living child of dreams When you teach two and they teach two and no one stops, but teaches two We got hope, we got the army to save the children, save the world Dont say its impossible You are not alone, there is two of us Be a drop in the river of change Be the drop, change is coming One day we will be set free of these chains We will get the answers to our questions One day the Truth will be known And you wont be alone anymore Go on and know, pave the way We are ruled by a bunch of 500 years old grandpas Dragons and spells are not imaginary Oh boy do those nurses look sexy on tv.. And thats what they use to misdirect your attention And tell you that entertainment is good for you Throw out your tv and wave it goodbye They have knowledge that they are afraid to reveal The source, access denied Thats why we never woke The sun is starting to rise We have been wandering in the night Good luck spreading the knowledge Its the cancer that knowledge does not spread Pretty deep stuff, be careful that you dont melt your brains Satisfy your thirst of knowledge That thirst is same as lack of information Emptiness inside of you, a well waiting for water Feelings are inside and keeping them locked there is the white rage We live times where black is white and white is black Requirement for success is to be a total asshole Release of feelings is hate speech Snow on the ground in the middle of summer Everything that is supposed to be true in here is a deception You know the laws of nature You have the intellectual means Make your own view of the world Sources, your own brains Dont throw away hope There is plenty of us who gathered their strength Would not be wrong to use the term awakened Brother asperger, contemplating everything so deeply Looking at the cause of the illness, feeling the sickness Disassembling the pieces and moving along the chain of logic First you must take your place Open your mouth, even if they keep yelling next to you Spread the alternative knowledge, that is your job