forecast calls for broken branches


Well-Known Member
rain and wind up to 35 mph this afternoon and evening. i'm worried about the additional weight of the rain on my branches. they can hold their weight now but once they get overloaded with rain and then the wind blows things start cracking. guess i better make sure all is secure.


Active Member
I hear what your sayin fdd. 30% chance of rain here with winds 20-30mph. Im watching very closely. I have a few buds that are sideways because the weight twisted the branch, but I fear the same thing happening. Ive got twine going every which way off the main stem keepin things up, but.....shit happens.


Well-Known Member
damn bro good luck with the shit weather. hope all comes out well when the clouds part and sun comes back out! :)


Well-Known Member
just watched my biggest pot blow over. my wife and i were standing there and a big gust of wind says wham and knocks it right over. it's in an 8 gallon pot. 7 feet tall. right to the ground.


Well-Known Member
just watched my biggest pot blow over. my wife and i were standing there and a big gust of wind says wham and knocks it right over. it's in an 8 gallon pot. 7 feet tall. right to the ground.

god damn man I'll come hold pots down for ya !!!


Well-Known Member
might have to spike them to the ground if there blowing the whole pot over,but give it to me straight doc,is she alright?(plant)


Well-Known Member
might have to spike them to the ground if there blowing the whole pot over,but give it to me straight doc,is she alright?(plant)

she made it.

i have 12' poles and stakes and cinder blocks and parachute chord and garden ribbon and........


Well-Known Member
i know u do!just imagine the look on a lucky guys face if one happens to blow over the fence,u never know,2 days ago my neighbor 3 houses down got his table blown in 1 yard and i got the umbrella and a ripped,i wonder if a nice branch would make it my way,hmmmm......ill b looking up in the sky till the weather changes,lol...


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear about your weather troubles. The casualties were close to harvest time right?

weather conditions inside my hydro hut are a steady 76f with a gentle breeze from the north west ;)

seriously though, hope the rest of the crop pulls through without damage. You never know when I'll be in sunny cali!


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear about your weather troubles. The casualties were close to harvest time right?

weather conditions inside my hydro hut are a steady 76f with a gentle breeze from the north west ;)

seriously though, hope the rest of the crop pulls through without damage. You never know when I'll be in sunny cali!

it knocked off a few ounces. can't even notice.


Active Member
it's like going thru the matrix...View attachment 27785
Check it out fdd, I can relate.

we have casualties. i've saved a couple that broke. tied them back up with garden tape. a few others weren't so lucky...:cry:
That sucks. At least its just a couple branches....for now.

Rain came here and branches were leaning way to far over. ready to snap at any moment. I had to act fast. There was no way they could survive a-couple hours of this rain and wind let alone a few days of it. So I put an EZ UP over a few and on the shorter two I propped up my daughters trampoline up onto a couple of chairs. It just almost clears the tallest shoot. One bud is bent over slightly. I was able to tie (More String LOL) the leaning, overweighted branches up to the ceiling of the EZ-UP. Should last a couple days till the sun comes back. Mother Natures a bitch sometimes.