forcing my bag seed to flower so i can see sex


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice I appreciate someone finally taking time to answer a question and be sincere. Thanks.


Well-Known Member

very poor pic you workin wit
could be seein top of a stipule
could very well be hugh not a pistil hugh

this from a post of mine to another person that needed help
do you have alternating nodes yet plat not to show til matur not mature til atlternating nodes


Well-Known Member
The things I think are hairs are turning light brown from me touching and hnodesairs do that don't they? What alternating nodes? Here more pic.IMG_20120831_181247.jpgIMG_20120831_180411.jpg


Well-Known Member
I had a mite problem from two clones u got from lsomeone so I bought some thing without looking in to it and it almost killed the plant it didn't grow for like three weeks so it's around 6 or 7:weeks from seed and I topped it on it's third leafs. It might be older I didn't keep track at first.


Well-Known Member
It does but looks like they just started doing it IT's doing it on the last set of's only on one of my tops like that here's a pic of the one that's like that.


Well-Known Member
It does but looks like they just started doing it IT's doing it on the last set of's only on one of my tops like that heres pic.IMG_20120901_130701.jpgIMG_20120901_130712.jpg


Well-Known Member
that means plant is mature and redy to show
it hppens in sequence

first mature wit alt nodes
shortly after to show sex

when peeps put into 12/12 from seed
it stressses the plant to show maturity earlyer then sam process but faxe stressed maturity

rather then to wait can see sex earlyer maturity taxes from 4 to 6 weeks in most plants