forcing my bag seed to flower so i can see sex


Well-Known Member
ANOTHER damned thread by you with the same question? SOMEBODY PLEASE TELL HIM WHAT HE WANTS TO HEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh wait - I'm somebody, right?.


Get a new hobby like hatching quail eggs or something.


Active Member
Can't really tell yet man looks like just normal new growth..wait another week or so..
So what do you do you flower it to find out the sex then you put it back to veg to keep growing wouldn't it just keep budding?
I would love to do this cus I only grow 1 plant and to veg it for a month then 2wks to find out to be a male sucks and waste of electricity?

By the way goodluck man


Well-Known Member
Why you answer my threads then ? I cant get nobody to answer so i post in different threads thats what your supposed todo you lame a#$ ni#&@ stay off my s*&% youngin.


Well-Known Member
No matter who does it it's annoying. And being called "young 'un" by misspelling it too? Puhleeze. Buy a damned book. Rosenthal's or Cervantes'. Then your answer is right there. If you can read.


Well-Known Member
ANOTHER damned thread by you with the same question? SOMEBODY PLEASE TELL HIM WHAT HE WANTS TO HEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh wait - I'm somebody, right?.


Get a new hobby like hatching quail eggs or something.
why do you think it's male? i can't see any real sex parts yet, but if I had to guess i'd lean towards female...i'd just wait for that pistil to pop out of what looks like a calyx/


Well-Known Member
Yeah it stresses the plant you lose a week or so of growth I've read. Im a first timer so hopefully i read right lol. Have to find out the sex so its worth the growth loss not to waste time on a male. The pistils just stay but don't start forming a lot until you put back in flowering.


Well-Known Member
There's really not enough of the plant in that pic to judge the sex, can you post more pics, maybe like 3 separate inter-node sections?


Well-Known Member
id just like to say that if you veg for long enough the plant will create preflowers, if you put into flower too early the plant wont be mature enough anyway and will grow to its desired maturity. perfect example. i vegged for 6 weeks on this current grow. the plant showed preflowers at week 3 so it was mature enough to flower then. it took 2 days to create budsites when i switched to 12/12. ive seen people that have switched to 12/12 and plants can take weeks to show sex. people will say its strain dependant but i also am aware that a plant wont flower until its ready. no matter how much you tell it otherwise. personally if your growing reg seeds i would pop 5-10 at once let them grow to maturity and bin the males or harvest the pollen.


Active Member
Not disagreeing with you man but what about people who grow 12/12 from seed they flower their girls before maturity and harvest in 2 months so really a plant can flower whenever you want it to flower that's the good thing about indoor growing your controll the seasons for the plant but like we were talking about stressing the plant does effect the growth sets back about 2 weeks or however long it took to flower. Instead of focusing its energy for growth/veg its going all toward flowering. That's wha I've read so far hope this helps goodluck


Well-Known Member
ive never seen a 12/12 from seed finish in 2 months. most go 13-15 weeks from seed. ive got a diesel plant that is 12/12 from seed and it is nearly 4 weeks old and i still cant see what sex it is. a plant wont flower until it is mature enough. be it 6" or 3 feet. its down to genetics.


Active Member
Well niether have I sir lol. I just finish smoking a nice blunt of some blue cheese dayumm how I wish I had some seeds of those. But your right man at the end it all comes down to the genetics. but yea check out the 12/12 from seed thread they have some pretty amazing things their going on happy growing!!


Well-Known Member
ANOTHER damned thread by you with the same question? SOMEBODY PLEASE TELL HIM WHAT HE WANTS TO HEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh wait - I'm somebody, right?.


Get a new hobby like hatching quail eggs or something.
How do you figure it's a male? It's really too early to tell, but by looking at his picture i'm leaning towards female. You're going to look like a real fool if it turns out to be a female and here you was telling him to pull it, and i would expect you to apologize if it is a female, right?

I Remember when i first started growing and pinky on overgrow kept telling me it was a male to pull it, but i kept waiting and waiting and it turned out to be a female.


Well-Known Member
Thanks you, I think it is a female to I swear I see the hairs that's Why I posted again but everyone is saying no. Well I'm going to keep it going and post new pics in a couple weeks.


Well-Known Member
Thanks you, I think it is a female to I swear I see the hairs that's Why I posted again but everyone is saying no. Well I'm going to keep it going and post new pics in a couple weeks.
I Think for a new grower with not much experience; sexing a plant is the most nerve-rackin part. It's just that you want to make sure, you want to double, triple and quadrupole make sure its a male before you pull it because you spend all this time growing it, it's your baby and you just don't want to yank it up. But as time goes on and you have more then a few grows under your belt then you won't even think about it because you will know from your own experience that it's a male or female.

You can read much as you want from a book -- forum or videos, but it all comes down to personal experience.
hotrodharley was once where you are at right now, but with possibly many grows under his belt it comes natural to him and for whatever reason, he despises people that ask questions more then once. But if Mr. hotrodharley hates answering questions more then once i just don't get why reply to the thread in any fashion especially in such a rude way.

Hope everything turns out okay for you --- hope you have much success and remember it all comes down to personal experience and you can't get personal experience from a book. Just because i read a book about "Dancing" doesn't mean i can go out become a world famous dancer over night. It takes experience and practice.


Well-Known Member
Yeah as soon as you find out you switch back to 24 or 18/6 and it'll start veg again
Why force it into flower veg why not just grow it out and see if it's a female which should take about 4 weeks then go to 12/12 to flower. I understand your not wanting to waste time with a male but that's the chance you take when you don't use fem seeds.Good growing and may all of your harvests be bountiful.

PS I'm really baked right now so excuse the rambling. Believe it or not I did have a point to make.