forcing a plant to bud outside, anything I really need to know?


Well-Known Member
hey all, I'm forcing one of my mothers to go into flowering and give me a little early harvest and some extra bud before my main october harvest.

the plant is just over 2 feet tall and bushy as fuck. I think if I start flowering now it'll produce some amazing buds. I'm pretty sure outside I have the right type of light and it will give me some nice yields.

but I was wondering if anyone that's ever tried this before could give me some tips that would make it easier with better results.

I'll take a pic of the plant later.


Well-Known Member
YES ! :) i do this all the time just put your plant in total darkness for 12 hours and the light for 12 :) its that simple. feed some flowering nutes something high in P & K and low in N.make sure your dark place is is total darkness you can control it how you want and you will see results in about 2 weeks of the 12\12 light cycle good luck and pls post sum pics :)

PS putting it in the dark place will give better results IMO :)


Active Member
actually, while mine was a bit of an accident, im doing that very thing right now..... there really is no difference than flowering indoors.... youll need a "dark room" to put your plant in to make sure it only gets 12 hours of light a day, but thats the only extra effort it requires.... ive been putting my ppp in full sun all day, and shes doing amazing.


Well-Known Member
yeah don't worry I understand the basics 100%. I was just wondering if there were any extra steps that need be taken.

I'll take a pic of the plants now, one of them is already in flower but I'm not sure about how much it'll yield.

the other on in veg I know is a good strain, it was a seed that came out of an orange bud (the bud actually looked orange, not green) so I'm betting that'll be some chronic.

taking pics now.


Well-Known Member
good point man, very good point ;). I'm still trying to decide on the best time to put them to sleep . . .. anyone know of a website that tells you exactly what time the sun sets and rises in your area?

all the ones I've found have been way off.


Active Member
ive been putting mine in right around 930 pm and taking them out a little before 10 am.... that way i miss most of sun set and all of sun rise so that my girls get full sun for as long as they are "awake".


It does work putting your plant outside but if you have already started growing inside i don't recomend it because of mites and spiders your plant can go into shock and decrease its chances of budding correctly


Well-Known Member
It does work putting your plant outside but if you have already started growing inside i don't recomend it because of mites and spiders your plant can go into shock and decrease its chances of budding correctly
eh, spiders don't do shit to your plants.

mites don't really fuck with outdoor plants either . . . atleast out here.


yeah i don't know where your at but im in cali and mites will eat your plant up it will still bud and you can still smoke it but i guarantee you want get the high you want.


Active Member
i get minor damage to leaves, but thats not due to mites...... and when i see a spider in my plant, normally ill leave it and let it help me out.


Well-Known Member
the worst thing I have out here is grasshoppers, rabbits, and people.

other than that I don't really have anything to worry about.


Well-Known Member
so I think I'm gonna do 12/12 at 7:00AM/7:00PM.

I'm just trying to find a spot that isn't in plain sight that has sunlight from 7 to 7.

so far it's looking like I might have to move it around throughout the day, but I think I'll find a good spot.


Well-Known Member
Your local news website should tell you sunrise/set times in your area pretty precisely. If the sun rises at 6:00am then at 6:00pm take it inside in the dark, or cover with a trash can. Then, when it gets dark out, take it back out or remove the trash can.



Well-Known Member
ah ok I recalculated it and the best time for me is 5:40. the sun will be rising on average 5:40AM for the next 2 months so I'll be able to put them out after 8:30PM (average sunset time) and forget about them :).

the garage I have has a separate room that is completely sealed off from light, so that's where I'm going to keep the plants. I have a pretty good amount of property so i'll be moving them around a bit because there is no one spot (other than my garden that will have my other plants) that gets total sunlight without diffusion from trees.

I still have a bit more organizing to do but this will be my grow journal thread. and I will be taking pictures of the development of these plants.

I expect the one that is still in veg to do much better than the one that has already entered flowering.


Well-Known Member
hey all here's an updated picture:

she's starting to smell awesome :). I'm seeing more hairs popping up, she definitely knows it's time to flower.