Forced Feminized pollination

Green wiggler

Active Member
If I force a female auto to herm with colloidal silver and grow another female auto that I seeded a few weeks later together, can it pollinate the younger one on its own or do I have to harvest the pollen and induce it manually?


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you take the pollen and polinate the younger auto ad i understand it. but i dont see that there would be a problem polinating an older plant and letting it develop seeds
Thanks, I plan on collecting the pollen and dusting the younger ones but if the pollen sacs break naturally on them while growing beside them, then???
just keep an eye on the plant youve revered sex on and keep it in a window someware away from your grow or you risk the whole grow getting polinated
Also wondering how sensitive it is to grow forced females close to others, in the same tent. And of they pollinate others naturally then I will end with fem seeds, so what could that hurt?
it will give you a bunch of seeded plants with little to smoke at the end of growth, but you will have thousands of seeds