Just tired of internet heros making up things and passing it off as science and if it is not rigorously debunked and shamed it will flourish. I went to school for several years and worked for a fully paneled USDA research biologist who authored peer reviewed papers. The lack of language skills and basic knowledge would have them shunned by a real scientific community. This is a weed forum but many come here for actual knowledge and these things don't help. IM (not so) HO
Alright first off I don't see why you had to respond in such a hateful way. If you don't have anything nice to say stay the fuck off my post. It was a simple question asking if it was possible to INCREASE THE LIKELIHOOD of a male going hermie. I know colloidal silver and everything else only works for females. Well fucking aware of it. And how in any way was I making things up and passing them off as science? I'm not spreading bullshit, I was genuinely curious to know whether I could force it to hermie. Can I not? Is it simply genetics that some males turn out hermie? I was curious to see if I could force a male to hermie simply to get the most out of it as possible as I was not hoping for it to turn out male. Hope you reply with some actual constructive thoughts instead of spewing hate-filled comments. Thanks