For your eyes only!

I thought, and I may be wrong, that CBDs are created inside the trichomes that and appear in higher levels on parts of the plant that are exposed to more uvb rays, kind of like a protection thing I guess. It at least makes some sense , since most strains high in certain kinds of CBDs are found in alot of equatorial regions. Check out this youtube vid its got some decent info about uvb thc and cbds.
dont hurt to be careful,but your safe here.not this forum but i been posting buyin seeds all for 9 yrs strtait online.jus to ease your mind. enjoy it,,now if this was a pedafile forum everyone would be in jail,lolol. gro on.
Interesting topic, but now that Google Chrome is out. There is a handly little 'Incognito mode' where no personaly identifiable info is sent. I was paranoid about my marijuana searches being tracked.

If you wanted to keep bookmarks I guess you could just wack them all into a crappy txt file.

It's handy for using on dodgy websites also, ones with viruses that is.
im using google crome and personally i dont give damn if anyone is tracking me, cas their not-thee are so many of us and so little of them:)
i think this is hilarious if us "the pot smokers and growers of the world" can figure out and post our ways of security and the technology is easily accessed by private individuals what makes us think that our respective goverments dont have the technology and trained professionals to dismantle these playtoys of security.. i mean think about it our door consists of a simple tumble lock and dead bolt theres steel reinforced with bank type mechinisims controlled by sophisticated computers accesed with roving alphanumeric codes and biometric scans so why be parinoid of the enivitable jus live your life dont be stupid and if it happens it happens...
i think this is hilarious if us "the pot smokers and growers of the world" can figure out and post our ways of security and the technology is easily accessed by private individuals what makes us think that our respective goverments dont have the technology and trained professionals to dismantle these playtoys of security.. i mean think about it our door consists of a simple tumble lock and dead bolt theres steel reinforced with bank type mechinisims controlled by sophisticated computers accesed with roving alphanumeric codes and biometric scans so why be parinoid of the enivitable jus live your life dont be stupid and if it happens it happens...
lol,yea,i'm havin tooo much fun to worry about that bullshit anyway.jus dont be stupid.and dont be loose lipped and yu wont have shit to worry about.i'm not worrying about posting anyway.. i dont know how many crops i fully completed posting in many all over the internet.done made probably 30 or more seed buys on the i nternet in 9 yrs,, if that would hep ease anyones conscience any,lolraider.
......I have a large magnet next to my computer with my siding off. all i have to do is touch the magnet to my hard drive and voila! its all gone!

Don't bother. That will only damage the hard drive. Odds are great that the data is still retrievable.
I know this is an older post, but I was wondering if someone could explain to me me why when I add the /p to the firefox profile and hit "okay" I get a message saying that the name in the target box is not valid...and it won't let me change it.
I know this is some stupid little mistake on my part, but i can't figure it out...please help.
I have been using true crypt for a long time. The smarter, easier thing to do is to just create the entire physical drive encrypted with true crypt. It will take some time to originally encrypt if you have 100's of gigs like me, but once your done it's tight. I have a netbook with with a 160gb HD and I encrypted the whole drive and it ran flawlessly. It will encrypt everything and when your computer gets restarted, unplugged, reset, whatever, it will be automatically be unmounted and when the system starts up again it will prompt you for a password before even the OS splash screen. Forget that password and you yourself are screwed so DON'T FORGET IT. I was encrytping using all three algorithms AES, TwoFish, and Serpent and my master password is 116bit alone. I definitely use this on my laptop because I take it places with me. Much much much safer than an unencrypted regular laptop getting stolen / lost. You are screwed in that case. Also you can use true crypt on removable media like flash drives, external hard drives and more. HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT
I have a top notch security system installed in my house that is backed up by a radio and is part of a mesh network so the alarm is nearly instantly sent. They call me when it goes off, I don't have police ever get involved. The other thing I have is a Network DVR (Digital Video Recorder) and 5 cameras inside the house, 2 cameras look at the front and back outside of the house and the others look at the main entryways and the living room leading down to the basement. I can sit down and see everything that is happening from my grow room, it all gets recorded, 2 weeks of video at a time. I go through the days recording to look for any police activity or anyone that might be snooping around. So far nothing out of tbhe ordinary, although you get to know some of the neighbors outdoor routines and the same people go walking or jogging or walking their dog and so you see the same stuff all the time so its easy to pick out the non ordinary. This is also connected to the internet on a secure link so i can be anywhere and pull out my laptop and look real time at any cameras in my house.

Better to be prepared than paranoid.
is this like using JAP aka JonDo Fox.... as it asks for a profile first before you log in If noones using it i would highly recommend it
I have downloaded truecypt but i dont know how to get the "P" drive like it gives in the example... I saw a vid on youtube on how to encrypt the entire drive... is this a better option? When this is installed is there no need to use things like TOR or JAP or even anonymisers? Im using JAP just now and its pretty good... to create my new profile i dont need to follow the first steps as when you install JAP you get the prompt to use the JAP profile or your default firefox profile... so it is simply a matter of clicking create new profile... I dont know how to link it to the "P" drive or whatever... if someone wants to chip in and help it would be most appreciated Thanks
Ok after a very long time fiddling about with this i think i have got it to work... For those interested it doesnt need to be a "P" drive as such you can choose any one on the truecrypt list.... Once you have follwed the onscreen setup and chosen your password etc it is simply a matter of creating a new firefox profile, then two folders ( "firefox" and then a sub folder "secure profile" ) on your encrypted drive and linking as appropriate on the new profile setup page... Im pretty sure i have done it right as if i dismount the encrypted drive it will not let me sign on to my "secure profile" on startup... If anyone can confirm this would be great... good post