For the record 2 days before harvest CFL Grow Snow White Pics


Well-Known Member
What's up guys. I am almost ready to harvest my single snow white plant. Today is day 68 of total growing. 41 days into flowering.

Here are the photos for the record what can be done with a few cfls.

I used chemical nutes, am flushing these last 3 days as it ripened quicker than I expected (was planning to hold out until day 83 and just give water for two weeks. The trichomes were just checked recently and there are a few amber and mostly cloudy and a few clear.

I don't know how much weight to expect it is my first successful grow. I killed my first plant by accident with undiluted neem oil at day 27 and had to start over again. Didn't make the same mistake.

I used cfls through the whole grow with one on the side for side lighting.

I would like to thank everyone here, Dr.Chronic, Toronto, and many others who I can't remember the names of that helped with my questions and took the time to post their grows and experience/knowledge that helped me get to this point. It was a great experience. I won't begrowing for a while as I will be moving in the next few months and this amount should hold out until then :p

Enough blah, here's the photos.



Active Member
Hey phearless, you've done a really good job mate especially considerin the lights you used!

Have you tried looking at high output CFLs? Like envirolights?
They're plug and go, simple to use and cool enough to touch when running.

You might also want to consider a dehumidifier, it should help keep your buds a little tighter and give you a better finished smoke! You can get small cheap ones suitable for small set ups like this 1:
This 1 also has a built in ioniser and carbon filter which should help to cut down any smell.

Hope am not borin you with shit you already know. I don't write much on these boards cos there's too many people chattin crap and slaggin each other and they're setups off.
Hope this was of help, will keep an eye out if you want more info.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good, thanks for the tips. I appreciate the help, I've already managed to enjoy the goods so they came out as intended. In the future I will be more serious in the setup design. +rep. Alot of people here are just fuckin off ya know. Thanks again!:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
wanna share? J/K Awesome grow, I am doing a cfl grow myself, about two weeks into it.


Active Member
looks very nice. i'm on my third all-cfl grow now, and your buds look even nicer than my last grow which i was very happy about... gives me hope :] maybe i'll buy an actual strain and stop with the bagseed...

what kind of soil did you use?


Well-Known Member
very nice mate where u get your seed im groing snow white my self having some probs mine started 2 pre flower at 3weeks old i want them bigger did yours do this


Well-Known Member
Hi guys. The soil was organic soil from Whole foods, i just stopped by and saw it, it's coast of maine brand or something. Good soil in my opinion, smells fresh haha.

Anyway it's a snow white from nirvana feminized, was gonna grow one plant so I couldn't take any chances.

It showed pre-flowers 5 days after switching her to 12/12. It was pretty fast from what I've read, maybe it has a tendency but just keeping it at 18/6 will continue size growth, and remember it really does grow somewhere between two to three sizes taller when in flowering. I saw height growth everyday that was measurable.

Thanks for your comments guys. I'm currently in the process of curing and testing :p


Well-Known Member
Hello, I veged with 4 6500k cfls at 27 watss. Then I switched to 4 2700k at 42 watts. But then I gradually added two more 6500k 27w cfls after the first half of growing.

Thanks, here's a photo of the setup using a pvc pipe fixture (handmade:blsmoke:)

