For the one you love


Well-Known Member
Would you give up weed altogether for your spouse, girlfriend/boyfriend... ??

If this is not a problem for you do you think this would be the right thing to do... How would you consult a friend in this position... ??

For whatever reason your signifigant other really has a problem with weed... For some reason it just makes them angry when they see you doing it or anything associated with it...

Is it right to change yourself for someone else...

In my case and probably most ppl that toke this would not be a heartfelt change... It is not something i want to do... I really do not feel it is something i NEED to do either... So it would be a false change...

I have already done allot of this and almost never smoke... On the very rare occasion that i do go out and meet or see an old friend that is toking i will not say no... But that is very rarely... I used to smoke every day if i could... I do not do this for my sake... Now it seems that that is not good enough... I must quit altogether...

This is all pretty lame and i just needed to vent... It would be nice to see what other ppl's opinions are...

Thank you for reading...

PeAcE... =]


Active Member
for me, my girlfriend is slowly starting to understand over the years and its a pain in the ass man, the truth is honestly bro, you are enlightened and blessed to understand the quality of marijuana, theres a lot of haters out there man and a LOT of people who want to change you, for many different reasons, - i say fuck them all, if your chick cant handle you smoking its time to find a chick that can, this illusion of security you feel with your chick is childish and immature as would be stopping using your medicine for the sake of not offending someone who is supposed to love and support you.


Active Member
throughout the course of my own life anyway i have definitely found that no matter how hard you try, you cant change anyone but yourself, when you get in a relationship where you are requesting that each other change your lifestyles drastically than obviously you aren't in love with that person, you are in love with the idea of what the person could be....

sounds pretty fucking sick to me, i'de get out of that relationship if she really cant handle your shit bro -

but i'm just a silly stoner on a message board - toke on ;)


Well-Known Member
yes i would i all ready gave up other drugs for her. it also depents if she is controlling or in it for your best intrest.


Active Member
giving up "other drugs" for your girlfriend is one thing, marijuana is not the kind of drug you can really request someone stop using for the sake of their own good, that seems sort of ridiculous so im not sure how she could think its in your best interest unless she REALLY does not understand the substance, and if thats the case, i would educate her in the matter and if she is still hating on that shit then its pointless, some people " most conservatives " who were raised to hate, will continue to hate, no matter how much scientific evidence you put in front of them -


Active Member
unless you just smoke weed in the morning and pass out for the rest of the day, wake up the next morning and do it again, someone with these habits shouldn't stop smoking they should just find some better shit to do with their lives.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Hey there, you shouldn't have to change who you are to please someone else. If they love you, they love all of you. There is no need to change who you are, but you may have to adapt to other's feelings and they way they do things (ie: living together). If she can't handle you smoking weed, too bad. You smoked it long before she was around right? I am sure there are things she does that bother you, but you don't ask her to change. Be you, if it bothers her that much, don't smoke it around her or tell her to get away when you are, lol. Be you. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
As much as I love weed, If I met a chic that was so perfect I could have kids with her, then yeah I would quit. Because if your past religous nonsense and believe in evolution, then having fun or any thoughs you could create isnt what life is about, its about fucking and having kids. So like everything else, nature is the right answer.


Well-Known Member
she smokes to and would never ask me to give it up. i think it helps use relax plus we are growing a plant together i dont even think of weed as a drug.


Active Member
As much as I love weed, If I met a chic that was so perfect I could have kids with her, then yeah I would quit. Because if your past religous nonsense and believe in evolution, then having fun or any thoughs you could create isnt what life is about, its about fucking and having kids. So like everything else, nature is the right answer.

wtf dude, you see how over populated this bitch is already? why the hell would you want to add any more madness to this world, our population has tripled over the last 20 years, how much more growing can this evolution take before it starts over with a clean slate?

i say if you think its a girl you would want to have kids with and marry she probably smokes weed with you....


Active Member
she smokes to and would never ask me to give it up. i think it helps use relax plus we are growing a plant together i dont even think of weed as a drug.
take notes, this is the kiind of girl to be with, anything else is just selling yourself short. hopefully my girlfriend will lighten up about the subject as well and enjoy it with me, -


Well-Known Member
yes my girl is cool her mom smokes too but with the other drugs they did nothing but bring me down so i thank her for that .shes more agenst drinking then smoking. im not a good drunk.


Well-Known Member
overpopulation, lol. do you really believe that. I guess its like global warming, scientists can look at the hard data and disagree. I disagree. I think earth has more than enough land especially with vertical developments and that includes space my friend.


Active Member
overpopulation, lol. do you really believe that. I guess its like global warming, scientists can look at the hard data and disagree. I disagree. I think earth has more than enough land especially with vertical developments and that includes space my friend.

wtf bro? who cares if the earth can support it for another 100 years or so, the point is having kids just creates more waste and trash and pollution and consumption, enough people have kids, give it a rest


Well-Known Member
@kushmastr love with the idea of what the person could be....

Man if thats not profound... That may be the most solid piece of advice i have heard about this subject...

Thank you silly stoner on a message board... =] LOL... =]


am sure there are things she does that bother you, but you don't ask her to change. Be you, if it bothers her that much, don't smoke it around her or tell her to get away when you are, lol. Be you.

Tahats where our problems lie... There are things about her that i want her to change... Not so mutch physicall things she does but more of a mental atatude... I could justify it all i wanted and in some circumstance it is the right thing to do... Especially where you are married to that person... But the fact remains that there is a fine line between bettering yourself for your family and being something that you are not or can not change... In this case it is WAY over that line for me... And thats a longer story... =]

And the thing i would want her to change are like dont be so negative, dont let your emotions control your decisions... While that all sounds good its not fair for me to ASK her to change that for me... She has to be the one who wants that change not me... =]

Thank you Chi... =]


As much as I love weed, If I met a chic that was so perfect I could have kids with her, then yeah I would quit. Because if your past religous nonsense and believe in evolution, then having fun or any thoughs you could create isnt what life is about, its about fucking and having kids. So like everything else, nature is the right answer.

And this is the other side... I think if we did not have other problems this not smoking MIGHT even be an option but i will in no way let it be a compromise... Ill stop smoking if you stop <>... Thats just stupid...

If that were not a factor and it was purely a choice between loving wife and family then ya i would pick the family but it would HAVE to be MY choice not because she asked...

Ya i think if she HAS to ask then that is a bad sign... Rambling here... =]


I only wish... =]

Two wishes i would have right now were she would be able to smoke with me or at least


Well-Known Member
wtf bro? who cares if the earth can support it for another 100 years or so, the point is having kids just creates more waste and trash and pollution and consumption, enough people have kids, give it a rest
lol lmao to funny


Well-Known Member
moon47 if its that much of a prob make some brownies dont tell her and eat them together lol its the next best thing