For someone thats never grown.


Well-Known Member
If you have a reason to learn aspects of growing as quick as possible l think I've figured something important out and want to share.
My tent is 4x4 and 660w led.
The secret is to grow 1 plant per light.
Any mistake will impact that plant but this should help sharpen you skills!
This should rid most of more than a few common problems, and some uncomin in many growers
Have an awesome day!


Well-Known Member
I would have gotten bored with just one plant. I tend to dive into the deep end with things.
K.I.S.S. Is always good advice.


Well-Known Member
Maybe .. just maybe start with a tomato plant , instead of jumping in head first and 1/2 assed ….if you can’t mimic Mother Nature or think your gonna reinvent the wheel just give it up.
this is a great way to learn how to grow. pick a random plant i would reccomend chilly because you can do some LST on it and its like a tiny tree. tomato is great especially because its the same family as cannabis but tomato smells really strong and almost like weed.had one on my window it was 3m tall

Modern Selections

Well-Known Member
Totally agree on tomatoes being way harder to grow proper than cannabis. I have a produce farm and we do around 1000 tomato plants, hybrids and heirlooms.

Agreed start with 1-3 plants and make sure to get a strain that is super easy to grow. White Russian is a solid one.

Focus on dialing your tent in so that you have a great environment for cannabis cultivation. That will eliminate 90% of growing problems, having a correct environment.


Well-Known Member
Totally agree on tomatoes being way harder to grow proper than cannabis. I have a produce farm and we do around 1000 tomato plants, hybrids and heirlooms.

Agreed start with 1-3 plants and make sure to get a strain that is super easy to grow. White Russian is a solid one.

Focus on dialing your tent in so that you have a great environment for cannabis cultivation. That will eliminate 90% of growing problems, having a correct environment.
What would be a proper transition medium for a tomato grower starting cannibis an indoor tent.soil,promix ?

Modern Selections

Well-Known Member
Yessir, that is what I use indoors and outdoor containers for tomatoes. Keep evenly moist, never let dry out and don't soak it. Just real consistent even moisture with mulch is the big secret with tomatoes.