For Blazin 07 users who use firefox 3.0-3.6

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I know a lot of us miss blazin 07 because it wasn't quite so bright. Download this firefox addon,install it, and restart firefox if prompted. It's called customize your web. It allows you to change colors, fonts, backgrounds, etc. When it is installed, you will see an icon in the lower right corner of firefox. I have been fooling around with it, and I've come up with an OK configuration with some of the tones blazin 07 had.Of course, you can expand upon it and make it better, it isn't perfect.Just go to this link,download it to your desktop,and unzip it to same.
Then right click on that icon in the lower right of your browser,make sure there is no checkmark next to disable customize your web, and select open configuration. Import the unzipped .xml file from your desktop. It will tell you it's from an unknown 3rd party. Either download it, or abort and forget about it. Trust me,I had a hell of a time just managing to make this configuration,writing malicious code to stick in your browser is beyond my ability. Once it's imported, right click that icon, and this time select toggle editing. On the main tab, click the select button to select the script rollitup. If the disabled box is checked next to it, uncheck it. Then select save. You should see some of the drab olive greens we so enjoyed when we had blazin 07. If you'd like to try your hand at editing, or making a new script,here are the instructions. You should be able to muddle through if I did. If you do not like the configuration,simply right click that corner icon and disable it. You can also disable or uninstall the entire addon in firefox tools if you decide you don't like it. Don't ask me any technical questions, because I can't help you figure it out any better than the tutorial/wiki. Love ya.
EDIT: And this configuration should only work on rollitup.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
You're welcome. Like I said, it's not perfect. I've been tweaking it as I go, because I should have clicked "run always" on most of them,and checked the "Target is optional box"...if you can do it better, upload the new configuration settings. I'll upload mine again once I have it perfected.