For all SuperSoil lovers .....Premade Super Soil

as for the price ................Super Soil just water

doing the math fox farms ocean forest prime (no shipping) 40 bucks 1.5 cubic ft.............then u have the feed to buy (go box is 40 bucks....the new dirty dozen box is 119........the flora box is 40 )

so given those numbers the soil is the same cost as the soil and the feed ................u are removing the guess work over feed under feed all that is gone u just water

the value to it is there.............the only issuse i have seen with the soil is it is to hot for the first few leaves come out funky and slow but once the roots are in the growth of it is nice 55cms in 32 days

the cost for the bag of soil compared to the other brands is just little higher ........10 15 bucks more for the is the 24 buck flat shipping rate that hurts (24 bucks per bag) but nothing u can do about it unless u can travel to a store that sells it (in my state that store is watched by the cops they get your plate numbers then they do a raid on your trash looking for something to raid your house because of) 24 bucks is no big thing compared to 50k-100k for a decent lawyer (growing is still 20 years in my state plus 1 year for each peice of equipment)

I get what you're saying, but $50 for 1.5cf is still ridiculous. I make my own soil, so I know the cost of putting together a "water only" mix, and I could make 8cf of equivalent soil for less than that. I don't get bulk discounts on the ingredients like this company would, so that makes it even more asinine. They are marking that soil up at least 500%. No way they have more than $10 per bag in to it.
No, it's still way too much for a single bag. I can go with supercoco at $59 per bag shipped or build-a-soil or kelp4less are cheaper too. I've been using supercoco for over a year now but after this last bag I'm done with it, he raised shipping and $59 per bag is still too much. I'd rather grab a bag of roots organic, some local ewc, and a soil cut pack and mix everything myself for just under $30 per bag.

if u got a link for build a soil ...............share please ............those ppl will do a own blend but they need to run atleast 500 cubic yards for the order and i do not need nor can store that much with out getting noticed

and as for making super soil .............fuck that i have a state trooper less then 30 feet from my back door/yard ..........him and his wife garden so if they see me mixing up soil in a kiddie pool then putting it in a black trashcan and setting it outside for 6 weeks ..then never plant anything where they can see it /noticable change in the landscape is i have to wait untill 2 3 am to remove the root balls from spent soil and then spread that around different places (lucky i got a house that no one lives in or mows grass so i can dump the dirt around that place)

the other part is look at the paperwork on the site they are showing a 3 to 5% increase in THC lvls
honestly if it increases the power of the stuff that much moves me passed the final lvl i was looking for i can open a shop and match anything that is being made in denver (did a trip on 4/20 to do my work and test what they had made compaired to mine .........and i even got 3 ppl to come as testers to get honest feed back ) ........

if u got a build your own soil place ....................share it please for the love of god .............once i finish this i can work on going legal ...........i just want to be on top of my game before i take the investments from ppl
Over in my area I get a 3.5 cf bag of peat moss for 10 dollars. 4 bags of compost, made locally, 4cf total, for 16 dollars. Perlite, 3cf, for 16 dollars. 42 dollars for 10.5 cf. It's all just math to me
Ok this may work for a auto flower being water only....but when I veg my plants for 45 days and then flower for 8 weeks I never seen any soil go that long without needing layer amendments and teas....
Just my 2 cents... plus my soil is 3 years old now... compost recycle, reuse, amend...
^^^^ plant some veggies then. You can mix it indoors. I do ... The condo life o_O

They are too expensive... they do instagram give aways though.... I just made 16 cu ft water only soil / coco mix for $85

i wish i could do mixing inside ................but to do something like that i need the room ................this place is the last of the family (meaning all the ppl that were family is dead and items from them have been collected )................i spent 600 bucks on 1800 got junk last month

resuing the soil i looked at that but the time and the mix will not be right for a few years i need to learn those skills

i am still waiting for the guy that said he knows a build your own soil place ......................i would love to get something made up for auto plants so i am not wasting anything like i am now

6 gallons of soil for one plant going between 70 to 85 days ................that still leaves 3 months worth of power in the soil
50 bucks for 1.5cu ft of soil seems like a little much though? Shouldve probably read the earlier comments, but ya making uour own soil seems waaaay more cost efficient. This outdoor would essentially be 50 bucks per plant, instead of about 5 to 10.

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sorry guys shit happend i just rem i said i would do this

sorry no pics i had bills it all got sold with in 5 hours of getting jared up

the ending result of the test was nice but feeding is needed to max out the plant

5 oz 16 grams (156 grams) was the ending jared weight out of a possible 300 gram plant

running a test this grow with super soil and feed the results are looking to jusify the cost of the soil ..............know it more then a qp now if it breaks a half pound or even 10 oz it will be the best soil grow had in year and half of running (best is 7 oz 20 grams ffof and feeding)
I but ffof localy for roughly 15 per bag.
I top dress with blackjack bloom
puts me up to about 20 per bag after adding pearlite n worm castings.

Straight water.
If you cant buy these items locally shipping could be a bitch
But that price is way out of line
Can you give me a ratio or recipe of the different soils and worm castings for your creation? It sounds like something i would like to check out.

There is another water only soil that is awesome from what I have seen and heard of. Joshua Steensland from YouTube uses it I believe and he is on his 9th cycle with it. Of course he reammends it. It is from KIS Organics. Check it out if anyone is interested. Not sure about the price though. I made mine from coots recipe. Living in Alaska really leaves me no choice to ordering a lot of soil, shipping would be outrageous. Tad Hussy (owner of KIS Organics) has a bunch of podcasts with the pro’s on his site too. I would definitely check those out if anyone is on the hunt to learn.