For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users


Rebel From The North
As the water goes down most the time the ppms go up so i add back to the full line on the res tank,
At this point i chect to see if the ppm droped to the target ppm i started with, if it drops bellow i add
1/8 th nutes to bring it up. almost 98% of the time 1/8th is what it takes to get back to target ppms.


Active Member
As the water goes down most the time the ppms go up so i add back to the full line on the res tank,
At this point i chect to see if the ppm droped to the target ppm i started with, if it drops bellow i add
1/8 th nutes to bring it up. almost 98% of the time 1/8th is what it takes to get back to target ppms.
Maybe we need a separate thread to discuss this, but isn't the ideal situation a stable pH and PPMs throughout? I assume that if the PPMs rise, the plants are drinking more than eating, and therefore the nute solution is a bit too strong. When the PPMs drop, they are feeding heavier than eating, and the nute solution should be a bit stronger.


Rebel From The North
Well ferredoxin your right but finding that sweet spot is not so easy, each strain has a sweet spot
And running more than one can make it inposable! So I feel if you shoot high and work the add back
You should be fine, better to be high then low and get a def. Keeping ph stable in my opion is better
That a stable ppms, ppms are to go up through bloom and taper off toward the end. My ppms. Never
Go any higher than 1300


Well-Known Member
Thanks Hellraiser. I kind of do the same thing except i dont top nute everyday, but just once in the middle of rez change or to make a rez go a little farther.

I would do it everyday but we have 8 rez's and not enough time in a day if u know what i mean.


Well-Known Member
anyone have an issue with the top float valve in the control bucket randomly not sending the signal to shut off the pump and have the buckets overflow? Mine does that, and ill jiggle it aroudn and sometimes i will fix it but only for a couple weeks, then randomly, i wont touch anything that could have bumbed it, it will do it again. Any tips would be appreciated, its a huge pain in the ass to have to clean up 15 gal of water off the floor with a towel


Active Member
The only issue ive had is the damn monster brain had way to big a pump in it and i couldnt get the water low enough to shut the pump off thru the float valve got a smaller pump and problem is fixed. Plus i max out each brain and rez with only 12 plants.


Im currently running three sepatate cap systems and i generally break them down and throw out the old tubing and replace it after a grow. Could anyone share any experience or success youve had cleaning the system without breaking it down. Such as running bleach, h202, or clearex through it. What would be a good solution to break down the buildup and then sanitize. n Also ant methods for cleaning hydroton. Thank you


Rebel From The North
You can run a 40ml in 30gal and run it for 24hr and then fire back up but i wouldnt go more than 2 grow
Cycles without changing the tubing, or if you back track in this thread theres some upgrades i did to make
It simple to clean.


Well-Known Member
I have been reading for a few days now and wanted to know if anyone has used the Titan Flo N grow system....same concept just square buckets and tubing is bigger which i guess is always a good thing. Leaning toward the Titan....


Active Member
where i am theres a boiler parts factory and they also sell accesories, they have all size and length cleaning brushes.If people are intrested after I go there and I know for a fact if they sell like 3 foot half inch plastic bristle brushes thas perfect for the tubes. Ive been in the same situation I hate throwing the stuff away after the 2nd grow.


Well-Known Member
I also have 3 ebb and grows, and i amalways lookoing for a quicker way to re start things. I however have tried cleaning the tubes with bleach, h2o2, i would flood back and forth 15 on 15 off for like 2 days but that sludge that coats the inside of the tubes never came out. So, that made me nervoous nd just decide to buy new tubing.

As far as the discussion above with the ppms and stuff, i foudn that topping off the water as often as possible is beneficial, expecially mid to late flowering when the plants suck up a shit ton of water, in a very short amoutn of time thte ppms can become unbalanced and cause burn/lockout/deff problems. All can be avoided by keeping the resavore aroud the same conditions.


Active Member
I have been reading for a few days now and wanted to know if anyone has used the Titan Flo N grow system....same concept just square buckets and tubing is bigger which i guess is always a good thing. Leaning toward the Titan....
i have the flow n gro and so far i love it, the only prob im having is my water temps r high but i will move the res after this grow. im only on day 18 of flowering but they look great. but i never had the cap system so i cant say its better or worst but i do like how the cap has made a few changes to the buckets so there is not as much or any water in the bottom of the bucket after flooding but i like the 360 mesh areation inserts of the flo. ill know more in 6 to 7 weeks

benny blanco

Active Member
I normally use flood trays with rockwool but thinking of trying out the e&g. Couple questions. For 48 plant in 2 gallon buckets how much hydroton would I need and how big of a rez do I need? Also how often would I have to top it off?


Well-Known Member
I normally use flood trays with rockwool but thinking of trying out the e&g. Couple questions. For 48 plant in 2 gallon buckets how much hydroton would I need and how big of a rez do I need? Also how often would I have to top it off?
8 bags of hydroton
55 gallon (but bigger is better)
everyday top off


Active Member
I'm getting ready to buy the Complete Monster System. In years past, I had great success doing DWC with 5 gallon buckets and hydroton. I used 4" x 4" rockwool cubes during veg on a flood and drain table and then transplanted them into the pots with hydroton for the last week of veg and then flower them. I'm thinking about doing the same thing with this system and use air stones in each pot and in the reservoir. Sound good? I was also wondering how well the monster system performs with 9 pots and with 12 pots. I can only legally flower three plants at a time, but if I ever decide to become a caregiver, that info would be helpful. Thanks in advance!


Active Member
Has anyone who has bought the Ebb Monster in the last 6-12 months had any leaks? I just bought the system and am wondering if they've fixed the issues