For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users


Well-Known Member
Love this thread. I just picked up the basic 12 bucket set up today along with a 1000w HPS HydroFarm Daystar light/ballast set up. Will have the room set up early next week and will share pics.
Start a grow journal and post the link here.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
one of my hps lights is not shinning as bright as the other it kinda looks more yellow than whie, what could be causing this?
Swap the ballasts. If the dim moves to the other bulb it's the ballast. If the same bulb is dim again, it's the bulb or the connection. Do you have a light meter to quantify this dimness or just eyeballn it?


Active Member
also does any one really know what this system yeilds i have 12 going now with 2 x 1000w lights just curious on what to expect


Active Member
and i switched the lights to the different ballast it turns out it was the ballast that was dimming the bulb a bit. what do you think could fix it? or should i try to return the ballast because it is less than a month old.


Well-Known Member
if you think you got a faulty ballast in any way shape or form change it now instead of waiting for your flowering cycle. for yield depending on strain indie's should be vegged atleast 2-4 weeks, anything less than 70g is a complete and total failure, now if vegged like this system is intended for larger plant, aim for a QP per or .5gram/watt


Active Member
thanks for all the info, i am going to get a new ballast tomorrow, would it be problematic if i ran a Digital ballast with a coil ballast also. i have to coil ones now but was thinking about getting a digital tomorrow. how long would you recommend vegging for with this system to maximize yield?


Well-Known Member
I vegged for 5 weeks (after 3 weeks germ) and it felt like 1 week too long. I may top them after 1 week next time just to squash the vert. Some plants can REALLY go skyscraper on you!


Well-Known Member
i take them to atleast 2ft tall abd make em bushy, i have a whiteberry going now and they are like 3ft wide, 5week vegg, i only do this cus io know this strain and i know she wont stretch more than a foot on me, this is improtant info, i got other cuts that cant go more than 2 weeks, ya dig?


Well-Known Member
do you guys ever have issues with leaking from the "T" connector @ the buckets? It seems that every time i get setup and do a couple practice floods w/o plants it leaks from the hose connecting the "T"'s. anyone have an easy fix for this?
When i connect the hose i soak it in hot water for a minute then slide it on and can never get 'em off with out cuting so I would think its tight?? IDK


My ebb and flow has one fill/drain and the an overflow pipe which is set to the height of my flood. Built it myself for under a $100 and never had a problem. If if the pump were to stay on it would just flood to the overfill tube and back down to my res...why are you using floats and multiple valves? Must have a huge set-up...


Well-Known Member
with lankier sativa-ish strains or just in general, i highly recommend using tomato cages as opposed to trellis or nets, these units were designed to be moved around for maintenance and such, once they grow into a trellis your screwed, all those heavy flowers will need support


Well-Known Member
do you guys ever have issues with leaking from the "T" connector @ the buckets? It seems that every time i get setup and do a couple practice floods w/o plants it leaks from the hose connecting the "T"'s. anyone have an easy fix for this?
When i connect the hose i soak it in hot water for a minute then slide it on and can never get 'em off with out cuting so I would think its tight?? IDK


Well-Known Member
Don't soak the hose. It fits with a little elbow grease.
Do you think soaking the hose will make it expand so that it will leak? It leaks at almost every fitting, probably lost 2 cups of water over night with just the left over 1" in the buckets:wall: