For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

the tramp

well i was happy to find this thread as i recently picked one of these systems. i'm growing 12 bbc under 2 600w hps cool tubes in my homeboxxl. i learned alot here to make setting the system relatively painfree. at least until today. just finished running through a few cycles after adding my nutes and balancing the ph. went to check on my three week old babies when i see the unthinkable. my freakin dog thought it was a good thing to pull eight plants and rip apart the rockwool!! good thing i germinated 20 of them and actually might have saved a few of the victims. so what was supposed to be a joyous transplanting ceremony turned out be a masacre.
regardless of my misfortune, this system seems great. i should have some nice picks in a few weeks.


Well-Known Member
lol. Nice first post.

well i was happy to find this thread as i recently picked one of these systems. i'm growing 12 bbc under 2 600w hps cool tubes in my homeboxxl. i learned alot here to make setting the system relatively painfree. at least until today. just finished running through a few cycles after adding my nutes and balancing the ph. went to check on my three week old babies when i see the unthinkable. my freakin dog thought it was a good thing to pull eight plants and rip apart the rockwool!! good thing i germinated 20 of them and actually might have saved a few of the victims. so what was supposed to be a joyous transplanting ceremony turned out be a masacre.
regardless of my misfortune, this system seems great. i should have some nice picks in a few weeks.


Well-Known Member
18 days? go to home depot and pick up a float valve and rig up an auto fill for the res, the bare minimum to maintain in your res should be atleast 20 gal, only to atleast keep the pump in the res submerged during a flood cycle. with very young plants i would say you got 7 days before your PH goes bonkers and if you keep a high PH for a week let alone 13 days your plants will be retarded when you get back. you might be better off waiting till you get back, noone should be away from the grow for that long unless you have a friend


Active Member
my plants seem like they have kinda quit growing taller, the have been in flower now for 6 weeks and they are about 3 1/2 feet tall they look great, but they still seem really short is it just the system that grows small bushy plants or is it just the strain i have, any tips on how to make them get a little taller?


Well-Known Member
my plants seem like they have kinda quit growing taller, the have been in flower now for 6 weeks and they are about 3 1/2 feet tall they look great, but they still seem really short is it just the system that grows small bushy plants or is it just the strain i have, any tips on how to make them get a little taller?

Strain! Plants usually stop stretching at weeks 3-4.

Party on and enjoy your crop bro!


Active Member
My leaves i think got a little nute burn the edges of the leaves are turnning really yellow and working from the edge of the leaf in, im on week 7 of flower and have the ppm at around 1300 PH aroun 5.7 and water temp around 62? what cause that type of burn? any suggestions?
I have a question ? is it okay to cut the roots that are hanging out of the bucket insert? will it harm them? o have the bucket raised on inch and they still are hanging down in the still water in the bottom of the buckets!


How long do you guys usually veg for. I'm coming up on week three and most are looking really good. I have 2 that are runts but they have roots coming out of the bottom of the buckets. They are about 5-6 inches/ 5 nodes the others are almost a foot tall and just blowing up fast. I'm using BC nutes at half strength with Vermi T. Should I bump up my nutes? My larger plants are starting to slightly yellow on the lower leaves. If I do bump up the nutes will they burn the runts? Strain is Chem4 560 ppm, [email protected]. They are fed three times a day.


Well-Known Member
My leaves i think got a little nute burn the edges of the leaves are turnning really yellow and working from the edge of the leaf in, im on week 7 of flower and have the ppm at around 1300 PH aroun 5.7 and water temp around 62? what cause that type of burn? any suggestions?
pix are worth 1000 words, is it a straight yellowing or the leaves have crispy burnt tips that crumble? all your #'s look great, it could be strain specific issue like the plants you have prefer lesser nute strength, for this reason its better to run only one strain, but this could be a nitrogen def. how long does the strain take to finish? either way it sound like you got a indica dominant plant and she most likely less than 3 weeks from being finished, at this point to hell with it, my motto is your all good if you can get into flower in one piece


Well-Known Member
I have a question ? is it okay to cut the roots that are hanging out of the bucket insert? will it harm them? o have the bucket raised on inch and they still are hanging down in the still water in the bottom of the buckets!
ya know i used to champion the raising of the buckets, into my last run the roots grew deep into the hoses and jammed a whole row a plants greatly diminishing yield late in flower, the first time i ran the system i had no roots grow out the bottom, dont know why and i knew everytime i seen thi s system used there wat massive roots in that water, that still water isnt bad at all, just flush every month so salts dont build up down there. lets say that water didnt get changed for days and just sat in a warm bucket, then its a problem, if yoou flood once a day it woulld be enough for that water to be fresh i would say let her be, i have read a few places that the main body of a root system is for nutrient uptake, the lower portion of a root system is for water uptake, dont know how true but i dont think its worth the stress you put on your plants, let em be


Well-Known Member
How long do you guys usually veg for. I'm coming up on week three and most are looking really good. I have 2 that are runts but they have roots coming out of the bottom of the buckets. They are about 5-6 inches/ 5 nodes the others are almost a foot tall and just blowing up fast. I'm using BC nutes at half strength with Vermi T. Should I bump up my nutes? My larger plants are starting to slightly yellow on the lower leaves. If I do bump up the nutes will they burn the runts? Strain is Chem4 560 ppm, [email protected]. They are fed three times a day.
the runts are going to have to take one for the team, ya know the greater good, but just go easy when bumping up chem nutes, a little too much will fuck you up bro. also hows the ppms running?if they stay even or go down then you should give it a bump, plus all signs say the plants are asking for more food. i like to veg for 4 weeks, but if you have a sativa that likes to stretch you might start flower after 5 days of x-plant. weeks 2-4 of veg in this system is where all the action is, major growth rates, first week is not much growth, you may want to also consider feeding more often, i give youngings the first week 15min floods every 4 hours 24hours a day, once i see rapid growth into 2 weeks we go every 3 hours floods for 15min, the next stage would be floods every 3 hours for 30mins because 21 days in this sytem you should have bushes and they will consume much more water now because of the longer day, you will notive during flower you will have to top off less


Active Member
im running 6 trainwreck, i read the flower time on thos was 14 weeks? i also have 3 PeZ going and those seem to be on the same pace as the train wreck, also 2 sour disel and one maui, they all look like they still have awhile although some of the hairs are already turning a red/brown, the buds and leaves are COVERD in crystals, all over the place they look and smell good they just seem to need a while longer, i will try to post a pic of the burn problem so you can take a look


Active Member
im running 6 trainwreck, i read the flower time on thos was 14 weeks? i also have 3 PeZ going and those seem to be on the same pace as the train wreck, also 2 sour disel and one maui, they all look like they still have awhile although some of the hairs are already turning a red/brown, the buds and leaves are COVERD in crystals, all over the place they look and smell good they just seem to need a while longer, i will try to post a pic of the burn problem so you can take a look
heres a pic of the deficient leaves



Well-Known Member
looks like very simple magnesium def. you know its nitrogen when the whole leafe viens and all, when you see it between the viens its clearly mag. i would like to tell you that plants such as these reqiure tons of mag, what nutrients do you use boxing? even before i ran botanicare's line, i always had their cal-mag plus in my arsenal only because N cal,mag are the easiest minerals to go deficient. i have very good tap water under 40ppm, therefore its a must that i supplement with atleast half strength cal/mag (5ml/gal) i suggest you do this too is using Reverse osmosis units or good tap water. other than that your leaves look super strong and extremly healthy


Active Member
Thanks so much for your help, i too seem to have pretty clean tap water around 65 ppm, i will stop and pick up come cal-Mag today and see how that works. thanks for the info. I am running the lucas formula 8ml/Ga- micro 16ml/Ga- bloom, plus a little KoolBloom and Hygrozyme.


Well-Known Member
you will see how your nute collection expands, i found that hygrozyme, cal-mag, and azatrol are must haves, the azatrol is for systemic bug control, bugs munch on your plants, they starve, cant reproduce and get paralyzed ($70 per 500ml)


Active Member
do you add the azatrol to the rez or is it a foiler feed type nute? and if im already in my 7 week of flower do you think there is still a chance of pest?


Active Member
hey guys i got a retarded question but i just got my carbon filter in, and do i have it set up do the fan sucks the air through the filter of so the air blows through the filter. thanks guys


New Member
hey guys i got a retarded question but i just got my carbon filter in, and do i have it set up do the fan sucks the air through the filter of so the air blows through the filter. thanks guys
It usually is designed for sucky sucky . The coarse filter filters the big crap than enters the filter and than out the center. What type filter and fan?