For 20000$ it male or female?


Hey guys, help me out a little bit.

I´ve got 99% sure, but its my first grow so i wanna be 100% sure.

These guys are males right?

And this baby is a little pretty girl right?

Thanks Maxi


Well-Known Member
!!BONER ALERT !! lol last one to soon u want to see white little hairs then u got yourself a lady :)


Active Member
last pic altough a wee bit early i would say you've a wee girl but watch for the balls ,,the balls ,the balls i planted some bagseed about 2 mths ago the reason being to study all the different shit that the plants go through , and sexing the was way up there ,I was trying to see how quickley i could sex them and males flower first (this gives you the time needed to get rid of them) when the balls show put them into a bag tie it of and put them in the bin , they also gow faster(as long as conditions are the same) when you plant from seed, its as if they shoot out of the pot to get a head start on the females i think it has to do with pollenating , beware the BALLS good luck palbongsmiliebongsmilie:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
lmao give up gorwig if u even had a inlkling for about the last 2 weeks by its seems u get it gone lol them fuckers are gunna cum
lol im nt sur inded wtf