Food Stamps B


Well-Known Member
...if your trying to tell me that a single mother cant buy here kid a candy bar or a soda then you can eat shit. those small treats can make a kids day.
she can buy that candy bar on her own dime if she wants it for her kid.

if the state is going to pay for people to not starve, which is what food stamps should be, than it should be for staple items only, not candy bars.


Well-Known Member
Here's what you should really be thinking... WHY the fuck does it bother any of you what they are buying?
because they are abusing a system designed to protect people, not lavish them in sugars and junk food.

1] It doesn't matter if they're buying a candy bar or a dinner item because YOUR still paying for it either way with your "real" checks from work.
yes it does. if they buy staple items only the assistance goes a much longer way and can keep more people from going hungry.

candy bars are not an efficient way to prevent hunger.

2] As mentioned already, why cannot a mother buy a candy bar or soda for her child?

3] As mentioned again... nobody knows anyone's situation or what they're buying that item for.
i don't give a fuck. if you sign up for an assistance program to keep you from starving, that is all you get, basic foods that keep you from starving. potatoes, rice, vegetables, etc.

4] Food stamps are a set limit, meaning, if the person gets $300 a month, they get $300 a month, so if they spend all $300 on candy, whats the difference then spending $300 on stake?
we could set a lower limit and help more people if food stamps were restricted to staple items. and what's the difference between eating staple items vs. eating junk food all month? go ask someone with diabetes.

5] A lot of people on food stamps WORKED before they got on food stamps, HENCE why they're on them now. Meaning they put money into the system as well, just like you are.
don't give a shit. they are on an assistance program to keep them from starving.

6] If the person dies from buying a bunch of junk food with food stamps, does that effect you? No. It actually helps you, because now they CAN'T buy it anymore.
i bet that message would echo real well with people that have human emotions such as empathy and compassion.

7] Do you know how hard it would be to only allow certain products, it's already a guessing game now on what qualifies under food stamps & what doesn't. It would only make things harder on the retailers, people are always bringing items to the register that aren't covered, it wastes time for the employees to put those items back & time for the customers waiting in line.
it wouldn't be that tough.

Must I continue?
why bother asking when you know you are going to continue rating anyway?

The way I see it is, who the fuck cares what they do with the money because the fact of the matter is they're getting a LUMP SUM no matter what, so no matter what it's coming out of your check, no matter what they're buying. It's not like they're buying the last pack of Skittles & fucking you over, so why does it matter?
already addressed this.

It's a proven fact after this years numbers were released that food stamps have actually increased the revenue of retailers & product brands. Big name companies are going out of business all the time in today's economy, food stamps is actually helping a lot of those companies right now. Nobody knows why somebody else is on food stamps, my aunt was on it because my uncle died & she never worked (he made all the money) so she had no choice since nobody would hire her. Her son (my cousin) was 6 years old at the time, your telling me she shouldn't have been allowed to buy him a candy & coke if he deserved it, or Hell, just wanted it?
already addressed this. she can buy the fucking candy bar on her own dime.

if businesses are worried about losing their revenue from food stamp patrons, let them put out healthier foods. we already have an obesity problem in this country.

Were stoners here, or at least most of us are. Of all people, we should be more open-minded about a topic like this & a little less conservative. Do you like it when the government tells you you shouldn't be able to smoke weed? Without knowing why you smoke weed? Whether it be to just get high, or for actual chronic pain... your doing the same thing to food stamp holders. How many of you have made money in an un-legit way? I'm sure we all have, we've all sold a dub before I'm sure, so should we not be allowed to buy junk food with the $20 we made off a sack?
this is the worst analogy ever and not even worth addressing.

Should people on unemployment "extensions" not be allowed to buy soda/candy either? Same situation, different check.

... Amazing.
... Just saying.
it is called unemployment insurance, and unlike what you said about people sometimes paying into food stamps, the ONLY way to get a piece of UI is to pay into it. different story, another bad analogy.


Well-Known Member
hey man to all who have this fucked up view about people on foodstamps, you guys just need to fucking stop bitching.
YES, they get abused.
YES, some people buy bullshit with it.
YES, your taxes help fund it.
YES, somepeople get them that dont deserve them.
But its not everyones fucking doing. You getting to say what they can and cant buy to feed there families is a little fucking nazi if you ask me. Perhaps you need to think about the people who created the program, those who run it, supervise it, regulate it. talk to those people because its not the recepients fault. you give foodstamps to a crack whore who in turns sells them 2 for 1, or some obese nigger on disability than YES THEY WILL ABUSE THEM. BUT FOR US WHO NEED THEM, WHO USE THEM RIGHT TO FEED THERE FAMILY FOR THE MONTH, WHO USE THEM LIKE RATIONS TO HELP THEM GET THRU TOUGH TIMES, DONT TELL ME WHAT YOU BELIEVE TO BE RIGHT.

You want change perhaps you should approach your problem differently, its not our fault some of us abuse it. Thats human nature to abuse our resources. I dont, i make the pathtic $232 e get for the month last, ALL MONTH.
not saying i dont buy more food ith our money we make at work, but food stamps help. So dont get behind me in the grocery line cause i will rub my lonestar card inyour face.


Well-Known Member
I used to abuse food stamps like crazy when i was getting them. Went and bought steaks, lobster and candy ect. It was hilarious. Its not funny anymore how ever :D.


New Member
because they are abusing a system designed to protect people, not lavish them in sugars and junk food.

yes it does. if they buy staple items only the assistance goes a much longer way and can keep more people from going hungry.

candy bars are not an efficient way to prevent hunger.


i don't give a fuck. if you sign up for an assistance program to keep you from starving, that is all you get, basic foods that keep you from starving. potatoes, rice, vegetables, etc.

we could set a lower limit and help more people if food stamps were restricted to staple items. and what's the difference between eating staple items vs. eating junk food all month? go ask someone with diabetes.

don't give a shit. they are on an assistance program to keep them from starving.

i bet that message would echo real well with people that have human emotions such as empathy and compassion.

it wouldn't be that tough.

why bother asking when you know you are going to continue rating anyway?

already addressed this.

already addressed this. she can buy the fucking candy bar on her own dime.

if businesses are worried about losing their revenue from food stamp patrons, let them put out healthier foods. we already have an obesity problem in this country.

this is the worst analogy ever and not even worth addressing.

it is called unemployment insurance, and unlike what you said about people sometimes paying into food stamps, the ONLY way to get a piece of UI is to pay into it. different story, another bad analogy.
Let me're white?? hahaha jk... I just read a lil of your first line... you seem to authoritative to be here... I mean get off your high horse...quit paying taxes if it bothers you this much... I mean WHITE cracker bastards are the ones who invented food stamps... yes, when you give minoities free shit for decades the system gets abused... why get mad at someone buying a coke? cause your taxes helped buy that coke, and you wanted to choose something else? you make yourself look ignorant homey...


New Member
I used to abuse food stamps like crazy when i was getting them. Went and bought steaks, lobster and candy ect. It was hilarious. Its not funny anymore how ever :D.
how is buying steak abuse? I dont need food stamps, but if I had money for food, and I was buying food...ummm what the hell is the problem?? oh I bought mountain dew instead of juice? isn;t mountain dew orange juice? isn't steak protein? what the hell are you people bitchin about poor people for God, how bad does your life suck that you get bent outta shape over someone buying a freakin soda? haha ok...just wanted to bitch about that...going to get baked, and eat munchies I paid cash for.


Well-Known Member
nicely stated. get mad because someone abuses something. In a society where abuse is common place, where our government officials take advantage and use there power to there advantage, you bitch about foodstamps. LAME.


New Member
I know right...most people they are talking about live in freakin poverty...who gives a shit if theyre eatin cheetos... bitch asses :D


Well-Known Member
Let me're white?? hahaha jk... I just read a lil of your first line... you seem to authoritative to be here... I mean get off your high horse...quit paying taxes if it bothers you this much... I mean WHITE cracker bastards are the ones who invented food stamps... yes, when you give minoities free shit for decades the system gets abused... why get mad at someone buying a coke? cause your taxes helped buy that coke, and you wanted to choose something else? you make yourself look ignorant homey...
you play the race card and i am the ignorant one?

i am not your "homey" :neutral:


New Member
i didnt say you were my homey and i also am white you dick

edit: just think its foolish to bitch about less fortunate doing dumb shit... your bitchin aint gonna change the world...just makes you look ignorant homey, like I said earlier...


Well-Known Member
how is buying steak abuse? I dont need food stamps, but if I had money for food, and I was buying food...ummm what the hell is the problem?? oh I bought mountain dew instead of juice? isn;t mountain dew orange juice? isn't steak protein? what the hell are you people bitchin about poor people for God, how bad does your life suck that you get bent outta shape over someone buying a freakin soda? haha ok...just wanted to bitch about that...going to get baked, and eat munchies I paid cash for.
food stamps is an assistance program that is designed to keep people from starving.

who needs a soda as a necessity? what nutritional value does a soda have?


Well-Known Member
nicely stated. get mad because someone abuses something. In a society where abuse is common place, where our government officials take advantage and use there power to there advantage, you bitch about foodstamps. LAME.
so, because abuse exists, we should not try to do anything to stop it?

rapes and murders happen despite our best efforts, too. should we just not bother even trying to lock these people up because,'s gonna happen anyway, right?

poor logic.


Well-Known Member
I know right...most people they are talking about live in freakin poverty...who gives a shit if theyre eatin cheetos... bitch asses :D
cheetos on deck, mountain dew on ice. it's my food stamps and imma buy whatever i like.

that's going to be the food stamps song remix.


Well-Known Member
I know right...most people they are talking about live in freakin poverty...who gives a shit if theyre eatin cheetos... bitch asses :D
abusing food stamps to buy foods with little nutritional value and tons of sugar and other useless shit in them is not a very good first step towards breaking the cycle of poverty.

hence why a lot of these people stay in poverty, rather than bettering themselves.

people are more productive when they eat nutritional foods as compared to the diabetes special.


Well-Known Member
idk man.

my best friend in 27 yr old single father who works 44 hours a week, he needs those food stamps.

and yeah he may buy his kid some candy here and there.

I've been fortunate enough not to need them. I don't bitch about knowing some of my taxes go to providing for people like him.